We both like him.........what do i do?

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    • We both like him.........what do i do?

      Hi, my name is Brigitte and i have this problem so ill start from the beginning.

      My best friend hannah told us about a guy that she liked, Darragh.
      She was worried that he wouldn't like her because she dumped him in the 7th grade. I'm a bit of a fixer upper and i wanted to get them together because it would make hannah happy.
      The next time he was on msn, i was added to the conversation.
      I immediately told him that hannah liked him. He liked how i was straightforward and a bit random so he added me as a friend.
      Hannah has nvr reali talked to him a lot and even though she lives just down the road from where he lives, never goes out with him, or even sees him.
      Shes vry shy and quiet and i'm the complete opposite. I'm random and a bit of a looper.

      So, i started to talk to Darragh, jst small stuff at 1st and we became friends.
      I found out that he liked hannah but he didnt know that she liked him . Thats why he didnt make a move.
      To be honest, i felt a little jealous that he did.

      We became much better friends and he helped me through some problems.
      I've had some vry bad relationships and hes a good listener.
      We have even stayed up till 4 in the mornin talking about the randomest things.
      We talk a lot more than he and hannah and he even gave me his number so that i could text him.
      He keeps sayin that "im amazin and awesome and reali kwl"
      we flirt a lot, and i mean a lot.
      I've never felt this way or had a connection with somebody like Darragh b4.
      I began to have reali strong feelings for him.
      He even said that he would kiss me if i was with him.
      I asked for a description of his perfect girl and it described me not hannah.
      She knew that it described me and she suspected that he lyked me, I never would have thought that he actually would like me, i thought we were just flirting but i admit that my heart skipped a beat and i did want him to kiss me.
      I never thought anything more of it.
      He then said that he did like me but i couldnt do anything about it because of hannah.

      When hannah went away to Spain, she met a guy named nathan and they seem to love each other, hannahs not so sure but nathan reali does. If not for the distance im sure they would be going out. The onli reason why she did go out with nathan was because darragh didnt make a move to get to know her and she thought he didnt lyk her. However, hannah still has feelings for darragh. I suggested she make out a list of the pros and cons of each guy. She did and for darragh, there was more cons then pros.
      for nathan there was more pros than cons but the big factr was he lived in spain.
      I think darragh is jst in hannahs system and she shuld jst score him and find out if he still has that effect on her.
      Darragh found out about nathan and told me that he doesnt lyk hannah nymore.
      i wasnt quite sure, he kept bringing her up in our conversations and asked questions about her. I felt lyk i was a second picking, someone that didnt matter.
      Hes been known as a player and i finally saw this side of him. But no matter his cons, i still lyk him a lot.
      Ive tried to forget him but hes in my head constantly.
      I know him lyk the back of my hand and we hadnt even met yet.

      During this time, i occasionally had to lie to my friend about how much i liked him and how close we were and how much i knew about him, i even had to lie that had his phone number. I knew that she would be upset and i found it reali hard to lie to her but she would have been heartbroken and mad at me.

      Also throughtout knowing him, i have these.......(im reali embarrased to say this) sex dreams about him. I like them a lot and he knows i have them, i told him and he say hes ok and jokes with me about them....eg..."how was i?" and stuff lyk that but i dont mind.

      Just a few days ago i finally met him, i went to see him wit hannah and they barely talked, a "hi" and a "bye" and one joke inbetween.
      Of course seeing him didnt help me at all because i know lyk him even more.
      I hate having to give hannah advice about ways to make him notice her when all i want is for him to notice me. It reali hurts and i cant tell anybody how i feel.

      Last night i had a big fight with him being clueless as to how much i like him but he still thinks its hannah im talkin bout to him(i speak in the 3rd person when it involves feelings, i find it easier and hope he catches on) he said that we both need to get over and forget bout him and talk to each other about a solution. He txted that it would be better if he didnt talk to either of us but i was reali hurt when he said this and started cryin cause i reali want him in my life.
      I didnt want to bring him into this, im pretty sure he wasnt expecting such an odd complicated situation.
      I talked to hannah and now she doesnt even like him so in order for him to keep friend with me i sent an e-mail, explaining that neither of us lyk him and that i wanted to be friends so we are now friends.

      I still cant stop thinking bout him and i definately have not stopped liking him but i have to keep my feelings in a box and keep my mouth closed. I would prefer him in my life than not in it.
      Now im afraid that hes going to be vry awkward and not himself anymore around me.
      What makes it worse is that im going to italy for 2 months and i wont have cell or internet access. I think this will give me a short break to think but i miss him when we dont talk.
      Im afraid he'll get a girlfriend while im away and i'll be stuck.
      All i want to do is post this on his msn -> :love1:

      I honestly dont know wat to do.
      Please give me some advice.
      sorry for the long story btw.
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Are you sure he knows you like him, because you never really said it out in the open.. I really think you should tell him the truth, that you do like him and if he doesn't return the feelings that you would like to stay friends with him before you leave, that way if it goes badly you have time to forget about him in Italy.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Can you write him letters from Italy? That would be a way to communicate. It's personal and quite meaningful.
      I think you should stay friends with him for awhile and try to get back what you had with him. There is a possibility he may act different and more standoffish, or he may be back to his old self. If it's the latter, I suggest admitting your feelings haven't changed. Just be honest with him. At that point it will be up to him whether he wants to still remain friends or try dating. But remember to make sure your friend really doesn't like him anymore before engaging in a relationship.

      I know it may seem like the feelings will never fade, but they will if it's lust and he doesn't want to be more than friends. Give it time. But I wouldn't risk a friendship if you still have feelings for him after several months. Being friends would just hurt you and make you ache to be more with him. It would be in the best of your interests to cut off contact and move on so he's not always on your mind.
      [LEFT]These are hard times for dreamers.[/LEFT]
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Saradactyl wrote:

      Are you sure he knows you like him, because you never really said it out in the open.. I really think you should tell him the truth, that you do like him and if he doesn't return the feelings that you would like to stay friends with him before you leave, that way if it goes badly you have time to forget about him in Italy.

      first off thanks for readin that long txt,
      well he did know but now he thinks i dont,
      thanks for the advice, ill see how it goes:wink:
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      brigy93 wrote:

      first off thanks for readin that long txt,
      well he did know but now he thinks i dont,
      thanks for the advice, ill see how it goes:wink:

      Just make sure you tell him that he is really important to you as a friend and hope y'all can stay that way if things don't work out.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • DareToDream wrote:

      Can you write him letters from Italy? That would be a way to communicate. It's personal and quite meaningful.
      I think you should stay friends with him for awhile and try to get back what you had with him. There is a possibility he may act different and more standoffish, or he may be back to his old self. If it's the latter, I suggest admitting your feelings haven't changed. Just be honest with him. At that point it will be up to him whether he wants to still remain friends or try dating. But remember to make sure your friend really doesn't like him anymore before engaging in a relationship.

      I know it may seem like the feelings will never fade, but they will if it's lust and he doesn't want to be more than friends. Give it time. But I wouldn't risk a friendship if you still have feelings for him after several months. Being friends would just hurt you and make you ache to be more with him. It would be in the best of your interests to cut off contact and move on so he's not always on your mind.

      tnx for readin that long txt btw
      I cant reali write letters cause he didnt give me his address when i asked, i didnt want to bager him. I will try and get him back but im not quite so sure that my friend is over him. id never choose a guy over my friends but i cant help but lyk him so much.

      ill try be ourselves again.
      Will i try 4get him over itally and try calm down?:confused:
      tnx so much for ur advice!!

      Saradactyl wrote:

      Just make sure you tell him that he is really important to you as a friend and hope y'all can stay that way if things don't work out.

      i reli dont think i can say that i lyk him again, i knw his response and i dont want him not to be friends wit me.....i guess im jst scared of bein hurt.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jasmine: merged double post ().

    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Oh ok. Then forget the letter suggestion lol. Hm yes, try to forget him over the two months. If you still can't, then admit your feelings to him when you get back. But if you get over him, then you can still be friends as originally planned. :)

      You're welcome.
      [LEFT]These are hard times for dreamers.[/LEFT]
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      brigy93 wrote:

      i reli dont think i can say that i lyk him again, i knw his response and i dont want him not to be friends wit me.....i guess im jst scared of bein hurt.

      It is understandable, it is hard to take a risk with things.. but sometimes it is worth it. You will be away from him for 2 months, which I think might actually help you get over him. Stay strong, kiddo. =]
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • DareToDream wrote:

      Oh ok. Then forget the letter suggestion lol. Hm yes, try to forget him over the two months. If you still can't, then admit your feelings to him when you get back. But if you get over him, then you can still be friends as originally planned. :)

      You're welcome.

      ive admitted my feelings. He hasnt said it back but he is actin a bit lyk normal. We are still friends, but i still wanna try forget him thruout my summer so that i can lyk calm down, ur advice reali helped, thank u so much!!!

      Saradactyl wrote:

      It is understandable, it is hard to take a risk with things.. but sometimes it is worth it. You will be away from him for 2 months, which I think might actually help you get over him. Stay strong, kiddo. =]

      ok i did what u said and i jst told him, he hasnt said it back but we are friends and at least its out in the open now!!!
      i feel a lot better and now its his move so thanks so much.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Jasmine: merged double post ().

    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      I think you have done the right thing, by telling him how you feel. You had nothing really to lose by saying, and as you say, it's down to him now and it's his move. He needs to work out how he feels about you, and if the feeling is mutual or not.

      You're going away and have a long time to put all this behind you, if he doesn't feel the same way. And you can come back refreshed and with all that in the past. But if he does like you, then you need to talk to your friend and see where she is with him. I am sure, if she's a good friend, she won't mind you seeing him, especially if she's either seeing someone else or has moved on. And then, you both can maybe start something.

      You need to know how he feels before you go, if he doesn't get back to you, even though he knows you're going, then you can take that as a sign. And then go away, have a wonderful time in Italy and come back a different person.

      I hope it works out for you.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Hi :)
      I know this isn't really a nice thing to say, but it's time to give up I think. Despite the fact that you like him and he liked you, your friend may be hurt by the fact that you liked the same guy as her, he will be stuck in an awkward and complicated situation, and you will be stuck in the middle of it all.

      Let's face it. If you were to start dating this guy, you would feel guilty for your friend, right? I mean, even though she says she doesn't like him any more, feelings don't switch off like that, as you know only too well. She still has feelings for him, but when she said she doesn't like him any more - that just means she's given up trying to get him. Either way, you will still feel guilty, right? If you were to start dating him, awkwardness aside, every time you two were together and you saw your friend - how would you feel? Not too good I'm guessing.

      And as for the guy himself; he seems like he's been there for you and it's obvious that he likes you. He has been there for you as a friend who will listen, but sometimes you two flirt together. Plus, these dreams you had of him speak volumes.

      Personally I feel that you should not try dating him now. You should compress your feelings and emotions for the time being, control your thoughts of him and keep them all to yourself. Perhaps in the future it would be easier. Ideally if your friend got a boyfriend, that would be the perfect time to try it. Overall, now is not the time. What with the complications, your two month break to Italy and your friend not knowing what she wants, I think the time should probably be left for the future.

      You will know when the time is right. Just give things time to cool down a little, sort out all the complications, wait for your friend to move on and, in time, things will get better. When things are back to normal, you and him are flirting again and your friend has moved on, then that is the time for you to make your move.

      Of course, these were only my opinions.
      Good luck xx
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Assaultrifle wrote:

      kill the other chick

      hahah :lol:
      y didnt i think of that?

      ---------- Post added at 11:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:03 PM ----------

      Tenris wrote:

      Hi :)
      I know this isn't really a nice thing to say, but it's time to give up I think. Despite the fact that you like him and he liked you, your friend may be hurt by the fact that you liked the same guy as her, he will be stuck in an awkward and complicated situation, and you will be stuck in the middle of it all.

      Let's face it. If you were to start dating this guy, you would feel guilty for your friend, right? I mean, even though she says she doesn't like him any more, feelings don't switch off like that, as you know only too well. She still has feelings for him, but when she said she doesn't like him any more - that just means she's given up trying to get him. Either way, you will still feel guilty, right? If you were to start dating him, awkwardness aside, every time you two were together and you saw your friend - how would you feel? Not too good I'm guessing.

      And as for the guy himself; he seems like he's been there for you and it's obvious that he likes you. He has been there for you as a friend who will listen, but sometimes you two flirt together. Plus, these dreams you had of him speak volumes.

      Personally I feel that you should not try dating him now. You should compress your feelings and emotions for the time being, control your thoughts of him and keep them all to yourself. Perhaps in the future it would be easier. Ideally if your friend got a boyfriend, that would be the perfect time to try it. Overall, now is not the time. What with the complications, your two month break to Italy and your friend not knowing what she wants, I think the time should probably be left for the future.

      You will know when the time is right. Just give things time to cool down a little, sort out all the complications, wait for your friend to move on and, in time, things will get better. When things are back to normal, you and him are flirting again and your friend has moved on, then that is the time for you to make your move.

      Of course, these were only my opinions.
      Good luck xx

      u know i actually never thought bout it lyk that....u actually make sense.
      I have a lot to think bout but i think now, after thinking that is shuld leave it for awhile, but i think i think ill use the other advice aswell, if i still lyk him after lyk 7months, ill tell him. This trip to italy is coming at a reali gud time. i think i have alreadi begun to change my attitude bout this whole thing, tnx to every1 who gave me advice but i feel a lot less stressed. Tnx sooooo much.
    • Re: We both like him.........what do i do?

      Colourful__x wrote:

      well.... if you go to italy, it would be good for you, because.. there might be a good looking guy in itlay, and then you come home. and just think of the italian guy. and you would forget about the other dude :)


      My thoughts exactly. :wink:
      ...see me....feel me...touch me....heal me....