my friend cat..:(

    • my friend cat..:(

      heres the story.. her name is cat.. she's an awesome friend, one of my besties..

      shes been realy depressed lately... she has met this guy.. well they were skewl friends for ages beforehand.. (to be honest.. i think he treats her like shit.. for someone in love..)

      anyway.. in the 5 weeks they have been going out he hasnt called her once.. nor even took her out on a date..

      and yet she is planning on having sex with him..

      that in itself isnt the thing that is bothering me.. though i dont think that it is a good idea..

      she keeps threatening to commit suicide... i dont know how serious she is.. she has tried twice before... but ive managed to talk her out of it.. :(

      now she is refusing to talk to me about it.. she said she doesnt want to burden me with her problems anymore...

      i dont know what to do.. but i miss my old friend.. and want her back dearly..

      this signature is the one i used when i signed up for teenhut when i was in what... year 8? thats 4 years ago... god my graphical skills sucked!
    • Re: my friend cat..:(

      Just tell her how you feel. Just let her know that you still would like to talk to her and that messing around with this guy is not a good idea. Just try to explain from you point of view why all this isnt right. If she doesnt listen then you could do better because she should sit back and think about it. Him not calling her is not a thing a guy that cares about a girl would do.

      Just talk to her

      GOOD LUCK!!!
      To a new beginning.
    • Re: my friend cat..:(

      Wow that must be hard

      Just do what everyone said above, just tell her how you really feel and how committing suicide might be bad for her family, and make everyone who does love her sad

      Just try to tell her that you care about her too much to let her take away her own life.
      [SIZE=3]Everyone Tries to be Different. Thats why all of us are the same. [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: my friend cat..:(

      It sounds like a cry for help. If you're serious about suicide, then there's no 'tried' about it. You just do it. And it works. And you're dead. Everyone knows certain ways of doing it, so it always works. So, when people 'try', it means there's doubt in their mind, and they're not totally committed to killing themselves. They're asking for help.

      Is it possible you have feelings for her more than a friend? You just seem very attached to her. Critical of her boyfriend, not liking the idea of him at all. Maybe this whole situation is trying to tell you something, is it emotion you're trying to repress? Or have you talked to her about it, and agreed it won't work? I just feel there's something extra there you're not saying.

      But that's what friends do. We burden each other with our problems, because we know they're always there. And they know us better than anyone else. So, we rely on that advice because it's usually the best advice. Tell her that you feel like she's a best friend, and you want to be there for her. You don't see it as a 'burden' literally, but you see it as being there for her. You don't mind helping and advising her because it's what good friends do for each other.

      And going back to my earlier point, if you do feel that maybe there's more to your feelings than just a friend, then you need to work those out, and decide how to go about it. Although I may be totally wrong on that =]

      Some people would crave a friend like you, always there to talk to. So, she needs to understand that it's not losing control by talking, and sharing how she feels.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: my friend cat..:(

      Well for starters you seem like a half decent friend, looking out for her and what not , so I'm sure she wouldn't commit suicide.
      I think you just need to show her you're there. If she thinks she's burdening you, respect that and lay off for a bit, she knows what she thinks best for her.
      But keep and eye out and jusy try to support her, and you'll make it through this rough time.
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]we each owe a death, [/SIZE][SIZE=3]there are no exceptions ,[/SIZE][SIZE=3]but sometimes, oh god, [/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]the green mile seems so long.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
    • Re: my friend cat..:(

      Let her know that she it isn't a burden for her to tell you how she feels, you want to know when something is wrong because you care deeply for her. Let her know how you are feeling and that you are willing to be their for her. It is true that the whole thing may just be for attention and that she is lying to you.. in fact it seems like there is a pretty good chance that she is a bit flakey about offing herself. In this case though, it is better to be safe than sorry.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Saradactyl ().