Interracial Relationships

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    • Interracial Relationships

      I was walking through the mall with some friends
      and I heard some disturbing remarks that surprised me
      but not my friends; however this gay couple (2 men) were
      holding hands. One was African American and the other Asian (I must admit
      they made an awkward pair) but these guys on the side
      were making very harsh racial comments towards them.

      So I was wondering,
      have u guys ever been in an interracial relationships and were
      people really cold towards you because of it? Is society in general
      more harsh towards interracial relationships even in the gay community?
      Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty. The obedient must be slaves.
    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      I would say its picked on more than general homosexual relationships, I am in one. I am mixed race, Polynesian/Asian/Caucasian and my boyfriend is Caucasian. Most people can see passed race however.

      We haven't received many comments about race, people still find it hard to get passed the homosexual part to bother making any racial comments.

      I would say though that I have also noticed people commenting on interracial gay couples and I find it disgusting what some people think. Love doesn't have a colour, race or gender. It just is.
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    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      Atiuan.Koko wrote:

      I would say though that I have also noticed people commenting on interracial gay couples and I find it disgusting what some people think. Love doesn't have a colour, race or gender. It just is.

      Perfectly said.

      I have also heard heaps of horrible things being said about people in interacial relationships, two of my best friends are in one... Indian (but born in Australia), and Caucasian. People are always talking about them. It makes me SOOOOOO angry. It is so insanely unfair.
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    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      I have been in an interracial relationship, but no one has ever treated us like we didn't belong. It depends on different parts of the world, but where I live-- if you're in an interracial relationship and you are gay, good for you :) People have learned to accept it, people have learned to live side-by-side with that idea. Society isn't that screwed up ;)
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    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      The only time I'd ever see a problem with an interracial relationship is if it's done for vindictive purposes. For example (and I've seen this happen multiple times) Daddy is a racist prick, so the person (usually a chick) will purposely go out and find herself a black guy just to piss Daddy off. That kind of situation is epic fail. Otherwise, who cares. It's the 2000's, nobody cares about racial stuff anymore. :cool:
    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      rmg126 wrote:

      It's the 2000's, nobody cares about racial stuff anymore. :cool:

      Quite untrue. Just today, I came across a very racist woman (late 50s, early 60s) who insulted this interracial couple -- the female was Asian and her boyfriend was a Caucasian mix with Asian and made a big deal about it. There's still racism going on. I take back what I said earlier...
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      armyforthebroken wrote:

      Quite untrue. Just today, I came across a very racist woman (late 50s, early 60s) who insulted this interracial couple -- the female was Asian and her boyfriend was a Caucasian mix with Asian and made a big deal about it. There's still racism going on. I take back what I said earlier...

      I meant, nobody who matters.

      They'll all be dead soon enough and then we can move on. Well, most everyone else has moved on already. :hugs:
    • Re: Interracial Relationships

      I'm actually in an interracial relationship right now. I'm black and she's white. I've never experienced any harsh feelings towards our relationship. A lot of people we talk to think it's a wonderful thing, being a gay and interracial couple and all. I guess it depends on where you live and whatnot. I'm in michigan..btw