a list to runaway..?

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    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      my mum got a new boyfriend, shes completely changed, she doesnt understand anything that im going through at all. she hates my boyfriend for no reason,, my dad calls me every 5 months & tells me how i hate him & wouldnt care if he died & tells me how ever ythings my faultt,, & im not taken seriously by either of my parents at all. i want to leave & not come back just to see if theres maybe even the slightest chance my mum would care.
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      Aw, I'm sorry :hugs: Things will get better if you give them the chance, though, okay? Here is the thing, believe it or not - your mom was once a teenager, too. Chances are, I bet she knows or at least understands what you're going through right now. If I were you, I would try to sit down with her and talk to her about it alone. Let her know how you feel and why you feel like she's changed, perhaps this talk will clear the air a little bit. If you have a problem with your mother, talk to her. Don't leave things unresolved.

      i want to leave & not come back just to see if theres maybe even the slightest chance my mum would care.

      Running away is very selfish of you. Your mother will care, she does care. Imagine if you ran away and don't plan on coming back, how will your mother feel? Why would you hurt her like that? What good will come out of it?

      & im not taken seriously by either of my parents at all.

      If you want your parents to take you seriously, then let them know that you've grown up. Let them know that you are responsible, that you can approach situations rationally, that you can handle problems in a reasonable way. Running away with your boyfriend just to see if your mom cares about you remotely is childish and irresponsible. If you're faced with a problem, you need to deal with it head on instead of running away from it.

      If you need to talk, my door is always open.
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      Okay, the bottom line is that there is NOTHING good that will come out of running away. It will pretty much guarantee that you will never be allowed to see this boyfriend again (and for pretty good reason). Be realistic, you are fourteen. You have nowhere to go and you are going to get caught, and even if you didn't what are you really going to do beyond saaaay... the first day of being homeless?

      Shute;2172895 wrote:

      You are in the classic suck position.
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      Ok, so, if you're going to run away, you need to think about some things. Firstly, you need somewhere to stay. Oh, and if there's two of you, then you need food for two. So, first thing you need to pack is money. Lots of it. Cheapest hotels are going to be at least £30 a night for a bed and breakfast - each - so that's £60 a night for both of you. Times 7, so that's £420 for a week. Plus food, that's going to be at least £460. That's just a week.

      If you decide to sleep rough, you're going to need a rape alarm. Because homeless girls your age are targets, and I know your boyfriend is there, but they'd knock him out first, then they can jump on you. Allow money for emergency contraception as you don't want to have a baby you don't want. If you're homeless, you can't register with a Dr, so you can't get access to any medications.

      Thinking about everything. needing lots of money, no security, dangers of being on the street, lonely, isolated. Is it worth it? I mean, eventually you will move out and have your own place and your own things, but you will be working by then, and it will be much better. But to go now, it seems silly.

      As Jenn has said, you need to sit and talk to your mum and work things out. Tell her you were thinking about running away, and I imgine she would freak out with worry. Because that's the last thing she would want you to do. Is your boyfriend not trying to talk you out of it as well? Because he should be.

      Tell your mum how you feel, everything, don't hold anything back. And let it all out. And I am sure, if you're both sensible and reasonable, you can work something out. I know you can.

      There are people on the streets now who are cold, hungry, addicted to drugs or selling their body for sex just to get some money for food...it's not a life. And you need to think very hard and careful about what you should do. Please

      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      Heres a basic survival list:

      • A gun - To keep the hobos and rapists away.
      • A cloth - I'll explain with the next bullet point.
      • Chloroform - The above item will act as a suitable surface to put the chloroform onto as an aid to knocking people out, making mugging ALOT easier.
      • At least 1 day watching Ray Mears Extreme Survivial so you know the basics of making clothes and food from wild bears, i know they run around city centres around this time of year.....
      • Some sort of ex SAS or Marine as an aid to surviving in the harsh conditions.... their knowledge is extremely useful and could mean the difference between life or death.

      Thats about it.

      Good Luck !
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      first just don't do it.
      but if you ignore that advice go somewhere far far away where you won't have any thoughts about going back
      Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
    • Re: a list to runaway..?

      wow, this was a really long time ago.we did think about it alot, and didnt go through with itt. since then, i have grown up a lottt. im so glad i didnt go through with itt! me and my boyfriend are still together<3 and my mum loves him. he really is part of the familyand we plan on getting married someday and having a family of our own. he gave me a promise ring on our 1 year to prove to everyone, that this is for real. i've never been as happy as i am today(: