Dating:How to Make the First Move..

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    • Dating:How to Make the First Move..

      Should women or men make the first move when it comes to dating?…I think women or men can both make a first move. Nowadays, I think women can make the first move just as much as a man can.
      I think they should because it’s a different world that we live in now. Our world has change so much and we should change along with it too.
      In the long run bold can pay off. If the guy or girl is equally interested in you then when you approach the person you will get a positive response.The key is in knowing if there is a flicker of chance worth risking possible rejection.So here are few tips on how to tell if he or she is prime for the picking and how to make that first move.

      @Showing Interest Signals@
      * First ladies and gentlemen, check the wedding ring finger and check the surroundings to see if the person you have interest in is with anyone else if you do not know them. This will save you a lot of embarrassment and regret.
      * Both genders use body language to express interests. Move in a little closer when talking, use a lot of eye contact, smile, and flirt a litttle bit.
      * If you are across the room make a point to try to make frequent eye contact and see if it is returned. If it is, then shorten the distance between, make eye contact, and smile. Watch to see if it returned and either repeat process, or wait to see if they come up to you, or make a bold move and approach them or send a drink over to them.
      * Grocery stores, and places outside of club or restaurant type scene can be a bit more difficult, however still workable. You may need to make a bold move quicker or end up appearing like a stalker. To show interest in a grocery store strike or open up a conversation about something in their cart or ask them if they know where this something is. Have them reach for something off a high shelf for you. However, by just doing those things does not automatically tell someone you are interested in them, there has to be more effort to put in to that. Try to carry on a conversation beyond products, smile, flirt, you can even tell them something like how you love their eyes. Guys like compliments just as much as women.
      *If you feel the encounter is going well, it is time to make the bold move.The best way to show initial interest is by striking up a conversation and then work the conversation with body language, eye contact, and flirting.

      @Reading signs of Interest@
      * Watch body language, if they are walking away from you while you are talking to them and you have to follow them to carry on the conversation, then they are not interested in you.
      * Watch for eye contact. If they are shifting their eyes around or redirecting their attention to other things rather than the conversation,then they are not interested in you; they are looking for the nearest exit.
      *If a woman is exposing certain areas of her body like her neck or wrists. She may touch you, or display self-grooming gestures,then she is into you.
      * If their response to your questions to open conversation are not met with a smile and more then a quick utterance or one word response, they are not interested in you.
      * A man may exhibit more animalistic signals or ownership gestures, to impress a potential mate. These may include resting an arm on the back of her chair, puffing out his chest or widening his shoulders. Both sexes may engage in ‘mirroring’, which is subconsciously copying the actions of the other person’s body positions.
      * If they return conversation, flirt, make eye contact, and throw off body signals, then they are into you and it is time to make a bold move.

      Here are some choices of bold moves you can make that are gender friendly and comfort zone friendly.
      * Your single, and you have a few business style cards on you that have nothing more then your email address or cell phone number on them that you can just slip into their hand or jacket pocket with a smile. At that point, you can say call/contact me, smile, and go about your day.
      * Take the initial conversation even a step further and ask them what they are doing after whatever situation you located them in and ask if they want to go grab a cup of coffee or something to drink.
      * Touch them, appropriately of course. Touch their hand, shoulder or arm. Physical contact can show interest but not always seal a deal. Follow up with “It was so nice to meet you. I really hope I can see you again. I have enjoyed our conversation.”
      * Approach the way you would want to be approached. Leave the pick up lines for the inexperienced people.
      * Making the first move does not need to be hard or painful or gender centered. The moral of the story is, know yourself and your comfort zone and make the first move, male or female in what is comfortable for you.