Addicted to Soda

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    • Addicted to Soda

      I'm 14 and starting my first year of high school in 28 days. I would like to save my money for school but i can't do it because I buy need help i have been drinking soda since i have been 6 or 7ish and due to my genes i don't gain weight, i don't break out, or get sick. At the moment i weigh 134 pounds and i am 5'10. Not to be shallow but i do think i am fairly attractive. the only problem is my teeth some of my teeth are stained an off white color because of my soda drinking and in 2 and a half weeks i am going to the dentist to get that all fixed but i would like to keep it that way. everyday i drink about 4 or 5 sodas and it is giving me sleeping problems right now it's almost 3AM and I'll probably wake up around 2PM this will effect my schoolwork and the rest of my life. I have tried to replace it with fruit juice but the stuff i like is either packed with sugar or very expensive. I can't stand the taste of carbonated water but it taste's horrible. I need to stop ASAP before my luck wears off and i break out, gain weight, and get diabetes (like my father). What do you guys think i should do?:confused:
      Please ignore any spelling or grammar errors i always sucked in English:o
    • Re: Addicted to Soda

      Start by switching to diet soda without caffein. Then for 1 week limit yourself to let's say 3 or 4 sodas a day. Then the next week cut that off by one. Then after that cut it again. Then after that you should be having a soda about every other day. After that go cold turkey and just stop.
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    • Re: Addicted to Soda


      There is this great stuff I have heard about that you should try. It's called - water. You are addicted mostly to the sugars in the sodas. Switching to diet will make no difference as the artificial sweetners fool your body into thinking you're getting sugar.

      You have a choice here. You control what you drink or what you drink controls you. Choose.

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    • Re: Addicted to Soda

      I used to be addicted to energy drinks. I would only have one or two every day but it was really hard not to buy them.

      Anyway, I just stopped buying them, and bought flavoured water instead or something.

      Why don't you tell your parents not to buy the stuff and just try to ween yourself off buying them.
    • Re: Addicted to Soda

      I use to drink a lot of soda too. But about 5 yrs ago I switched to diet soda and just stopped drinking so much, now adays i drink maybe 4 or 5 cans a week but drink alot of water. Bottled purified water is great. If you don't care for water just be strong and force yourself to do it for a while after a couple weeks you will love it. And you will feel better than ever not drinking all that soda......Good luck with it.
      [SIZE=4]:eek:JOB'S FOR TEENS[/SIZE]:eek:
    • Re: Addicted to Soda

      I couldn't even begin to tell you how terrible soda is for you. about 3 weeks ago i did quit drinking soda for the same reasons as you. it totally screwed up my sleeping pattern and despite the fact i drink tons of water in place of soda i still have bad sleep from it. i would highly suggest quitting before it gets worse. go out and buy a good water purifying pitcher for 10 bucks and keep it in a fridge and when you crave soda poor that cold purified water into a cup FULL of ice and the water tastes GREAT. that's what got me off soda.
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      [LEFT][SIZE=1]When the rich wage war, it's the poor who die.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=1]Love is like an hourglass, with the heart filling up as the brain empties.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: Addicted to Soda

      Honestly switching to water was one of the best choices I've made.

      It did wonders for my acne, and I generally feel much better.

      Good luck with your switch.

      ---------- Post added at 01:14 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:14 AM ----------

      Honestly switching to water was one of the best choices I've made.

      It did wonders for my acne, and I generally feel much better.

      Good luck with your switch.