no friends

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    • Re: no friends

      It is impossible that no one of those people from your school likes you. There's probably someone who thinks you're great but you just haven't noticed it yet.
      And I also think you were a bit scared when you started high school(I suppose everyone is), you know, new people, new teachers. So I think you should try to talk to some people, like asking them some stuff about school or something like that.

      [COLOR="Red"][SIZE="4"] **They're Red Hot**[/SIZE][/COLOR]
    • Re: no friends

      I had the same problem a while back, but my situation was slightly different it was to do with someone getting expelled from my school, and the blame was placed on me without my housemaster or any of my teachers stopping the rumours. It ended in me having no one as a mate, but over time i just tried to build bridges. I would advise to do that, just be friendly even if people are twats to you (excuse the language) but dont appear desperate just stay cool and people will eventually warm to you!!
      Hope that helps!!
    • Re: no friends

      hey its better to wait nd hv good frends a lil late than hv very bad frends in the first was so in my case.......having been felt alone i made friends with really crap ppl who like were the most awful in the school......but later wen i realised it i made some really good friends and now i m going 4 my graduation and still now i love them like wait 4 some time nd u'll gel with some ppl who like u dont wry dude.......
    • Re: no friends

      When I went to Europe last year and came home at the begining of this year all of my friends from my grade had finished school. so i was put into the grade below me. and tbh, they are a bunch of fucked up animals. stupidly, i wrote a myspace comment to a friend saying that they are gay and i hate them all. and they're fucked up dumb animals. One of the people stumbled on the comment, printed it out and handed it around to everyone.

      I had pretty much destroyed myself before they'd even gotten to know me.

      I was considerinf going to another school but i decided to stick it out and endure all the comments and persevere.

      They got over it and moved on. I had a free period [a class where i just do nothing in our student common room for year 12] with about 6 of them, and they ended up asking me questions. and we got to know each other and now its been 8 months since they all hated me and wanted me to leave, and now its like i never even said what i said.

      as it turns out they arent what i thought they were. They just appeared to be like that because they werent my old friends or my european friends...

      So just stick it out. try talking to everyone who looks at you. say hi to everyone who makes eye contact. and dont judge them before you know them.
      ₪ Australian
      ₪ 6' 4"
      ₪ Bisexual
    • Re: no friends

      Last year, I was friends with everyone. But the problem is, I started to be a jackass, so everyone began to hate me. So I grabbed one of my close friends and basically became best friends with her. Well, regrettably, we got in a fight. She then made up with everyone who hated us, so now it's me against everyone.

      School started Tuesday, and I've been a loner everyday at lunch. In classes, I'm fine. I can talk to everyone, and everyone seems to enjoy talking to me. I guess it's just the nerve of finding someone accepting to go talk to at lunch that kills me.

      So I can feel your loneliness. I myself am going to just tough it out, and let things go with the flow. I will eventually find a clique to hang out with. I'm just planning on joining clubs and continue playing sports, which will be good. I suggest you do the same. Find a club or a sport that interests you. That way, you can talk to the people you're with about a common interest: whatever the hell you're doing.

      Hope that helped.
    • Re: no friends

      I may be 18 now, but before 16 I was rather unsocial. I wouldn't be what you would consider "sexually aware" until that age either. I suppose at the end of 2005 things changed quite a bit, like those two things.

      I don't think you should worry too much about what friends you have physically around you, unless it has been going on for too long. Certain friends do take time to find and get to know. You just need to make yourself open enough to conversation with anyone that might share your interest. It can all start from something as simple the person next to you, when you have a sudden interest in something about them by asking a question. So yeah, make sure you are open to someone who deserves to be a friend of yours.

      Since you already have people at water-polo, how about you make them the sort of friends you have with you at home, outside of home, or maybe school (if they go there)? Or are they the type of thing where you are all a social group when you all go to the same place as each other.

      Glad to hear you have friends all around the place though. I am like that too, but I don't mind terribly much about having minimum friends that can visit me. My best friends have to be an 8 hours drive from me.
    • Re: no friends

      I know how you feel, i have quite a few friends at my boxing club but round my area i only have 3 or 4 maybe real friends:( can be annoying at times.
      Try to be more socialable talk to new people thats the main thing, make the first move dont wait for ppl to befriend you, befreind them.

      Hope that helps:wink: