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    • I just got back from a wonderful date, and even though my parents, who were chaperoning, saw us kissing and cuddling and said they didn't approve and told me not to do it in the future, they didn't really blow up about it or use their 'super serious "you're-in-trouble" voices. In fact, they said that they accept the fact that he's my boyfriend (probably partially because he acted very gentlemanly.)

      My question is why, after all of these relatively good things, can I not stop fantasizing about cutting myself? It's scaring me, I'm afraid I might actually do it again, but I don't even have an adequate reason to tell people. Is it possible to be addicted to something like this? Even just the thought of it?
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: Question

      I know for a fact that it can be a mental addiction, but I am not sure that it is a physical addiction. If you have conditioned yourself to doing it that could be the reason as to why you are feeling the urge to do it. Whenever you find yourself wanting to cut, try doing something else. If you replace it with something another activity you should be able to condition yourself into doing that instead.
      You're sure you still wanna play this evil lil game?
    • Re: Question

      a lot of people, after doing it once, find that it can be an addiction. After self harming people often feel a sense of relief for a short time and then slip back into the same mental pain that they felt before so they will do it again, just to re-experience that feeling. Then they'll do it again, and again, and again. And when that person tries to stop, they feel addicted. similar to smoking, if you get me.

      There are diffrent things that people can do to help them stop. Like flicking elastic bands on tehir wrists and stuff liek that.
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    • Re: Question

      Flesh out if and/or why there might be a connection to your parents or your new bf and cutting. I'm guessing there's some mental connection you have. Hard pressed, I'd say it's likely that you think your parents don't approve and that somehow that means you feel the need to punish yourself. maybe, who knows?

      All I'm saying is figure why they happen, and then you'll be able to stop them.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: Question

      Yeah, there is always a trigger. I mean it was good but their disapproval still must hurt a little? Or maybe it's because times are so much better than before that you can't quite believe it?

      People often get depressed when things are going well because they realise it won't last.

      Cutting is also addictive. It really is. You don't need the psycho mumbo jumbo of why but you probs have realise that by now. It's like a security blanket in a way or a teddy.