Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

    • Re: Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

      As far as immediate attraction, like just saying "he/she's hot", girls. But I think I'd generally be more interested in a romantic relationship with a guy, even though I would certain girls.

      I said guy anyway cause I have a boyfriend (that I'm never letting go! :)) and there are some things (besides sex) that only a guy can really seem to give you in a relationship.
      [SIZE=1][SIZE=2]S i m u l a t i o n: M e + H i m[/SIZE]
    • Re: Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

      They're both about equal but if I HAD to choose, I'd say girls because
      1. they are much more beautiful and they actually BATHE once in a while. (Groomed up and such, etc. etc.)
      2. They are just as emotional as I am, they tend to be more understanding about certain issues and will actually listen when I'm having a problem
      3. They dont ignore me when I want to go out on a romantic date and
      4. They actually REMEMBER my birthday and our anniversary

      But women tend to be a little naggy and can take things entirely the wrong way when its not meant to be taken the way they took it....they have a tendency to blow everything way out of proportion. Men are the exact opposite which also makes me mad in a sense
    • Re: Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

      BroadwayJunkie wrote:

      They're both about equal but if I HAD to choose, I'd say girls because
      1. they are much more beautiful and they actually BATHE once in a while. (Groomed up and such, etc. etc.)
      2. They are just as emotional as I am, they tend to be more understanding about certain issues and will actually listen when I'm having a problem
      3. They dont ignore me when I want to go out on a romantic date and
      4. They actually REMEMBER my birthday and our anniversary

      But women tend to be a little naggy and can take things entirely the wrong way when its not meant to be taken the way they took it....they have a tendency to blow everything way out of proportion. Men are the exact opposite which also makes me mad in a sense

      Thats stereotyping alot there, but that of course can be correct, but also the complete opposite can also stand equally as true as well.

      Although i'm not a girl and this poll doesn't apply I can agree that the same sex can work better sometimes because you will have alot of the same traits in common if you know what i mean and you can perhaps relate better to eachother.
    • Re: Bi Girls: Which do you prefer?

      I've replied on another thread. It's not about liking both equally. I definitely like the company of girls better...and kissing OMG, girls. But sex, I usually prefer men. Don't get me wrong, sex with another woman can be amazing. I'm speaking of generalities.