is the normal way really the best option?

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    • is the normal way really the best option?

      where are you going after high school for "higher education"? 5
        conventional university or junior college (3) 60%
        trade schools (i.e culinary school) or armed services, public services (2) 40%
      growing up in the asian culture in america is really tough sometimes...

      personally myself i am as americanized as can be... i defy most stereotypes (not that they are that important) which has caused problem (believe it or not) with me and my family(mainly my mom). i play football and it is something that i am 100% dedicated to but my mom doesnt think its a smart thing for me to do... as of a few yrs ago i kind of decided that distancing myself from all the things i didnt like was a good decision but as good as it is... it has caused friction with me and my mom

      i guess what im trying to say is...i dont know what to do anymore because my parents want me to be a "conventional" person which i find really hard to accept...

      as of recent ive fallen in love with cooking and have been looking into that as a option..

      i know there are alot of options out there besides conventional college but i have trouble letting my parents know that they are legitimate options...

      what do you guys suggest?
    • Re: is the normal way really the best option?

      Dude I totally feel ya, I am asian too :) Asian parents typically want you to go the safe route and do things to be stable and successful. Tell your mom its a good thing to play sports because it'll make you well rounded and actually help you in the application process when it comes to college. Second, the cooking thing might not go so well.. but show them by practicing some dishes and letting them taste it. Perhaps they'll be more convinced if you show them your talent. Goodluck! :D
    • Re: is the normal way really the best option?

      you could say that.. i think its because recently ive observed other cultures and traditions and they all seem to go about things in this topic in a way that makes much more sense.... they cam to this country to get better oppurtunities for themselves and there basically making it like they would have back home

      at least thats how i feel about it...

      when i talk to them about stuff like this it seems that everything is cut out of a mold

      like theres some sort of formula to being succesful and that formula only applies to certain subjects...

      srry im ranting but i hope you know what im saying
    • Re: is the normal way really the best option?

      you could say that.. i think its because recently ive observed other cultures and traditions and they all seem to go about things in this topic in a way that makes much more sense.... they cam to this country to get better oppurtunities for themselves and there basically making it like they would have back home

      at least thats how i feel about it...

      when i talk to them about stuff like this it seems that everything is cut out of a mold

      like theres some sort of formula to being succesful and that formula only applies to certain subjects...

      srry im ranting but i hope you know what im saying

      Oh yah.. I totally know what your saying :) I used to get frustrated and angry about that too. It didn't make sense for a long time.. but then I started to realize that asian culture is what it is and it is very conservative at times and different.

      There are still a lot of qualities I dislike about the culture itself, characteristics. Things you've said like thinking theres only one way to do a certain thing or becoming successful will only happen if you follow this type of formula... ya I've been through that too. I guess what I did was fight for what I wanted and what I believed in. No matter what, even though my parents are super strict, I know there gonna love me in the end, even if they act like they want to disown me at the moment. I am sure that once you figure out which area your more passionate about and the longer you hold out and argue for what you believe in and what you wanna do, your parents won't have any choice to support you in the end.

      One thing I do know is that your parents love you and care about your well-being. Thats why they can act super strict. There just worried.
    • Re: is the normal way really the best option?

      Hey man. I'm not asian, so I can't relate to growing up in the asian culture. I can at least relate to having family that wants me to follow the conventional path, going to a big-name college, and becoming a "successful" doctor or some shit like that just so they can show me off. My entire family is like that, but we are of Irish and German descent haha. I want to, and am working to become a musician, which is obviously pretty far from the conventional path. My two cents is to do what you want, because it is YOUR life. No matter what your family wants you to do, the only thing I think that can make you happy is doing what you have a passion and love for. The only way you are going to accomplish anything big is my taking risks and having a passion for whatever you do, which often means straying from the conventional path, whether it means college or no college.

      And if none if this helped I'll happily take my caucasian ass out of the conversation then :D
      [CENTER]Last night I lay in bed looking up at the stars in the sky and I thought to myself, "Where the fuck is the ceiling?" [/CENTER]

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