wat do you think about virginity?

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    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      I'm still a virgin and I have no problem with it. And as far as I know most of my friends are too. I'm honestly not too bothered about losing it anytime soon either. While that would be nice, I'm fine with it as it is. I remember seeing an advert for a tv show which was about two 15 year old girls who wanted to lose their virginity at that age, and one of the girls on the advert said, ""everyone's always going on about it at school and it's all about losing it." I heard that and thought what a complete load of bs. What type of shallow friends does she have that they're racing to lose their virginity and constantly going on about it? I mean seriously, no-one I know, none of my friends or even anyone in my school ever really goes on about it. It just shows how shallow some people are. Well, actually I think its pretty much a given that she's shallow considering she's 15 and going on a tv show all about losing her virginity.
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      I'm still a virgin and so is my boyfriend.

      We love each other and fully intend to have sex at some point, but we both decided that we want it to be a little more meaningful than "Hey, my parents are gone for an hour, quick, lets fuck!" I'm not hung up on waiting for marriage or anything, but I do think it's all about waiting for the right person. I went through five boyfriends that all at some point wanted to have sex, two of which broke up with me because I wouldn't have sex with them.

      I've waited until I can say "Yep, this is the person I want to be with forever."
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      Listening to what Jenna said about it being meaningful, I would like it that way too. But while we're on the subject, do girls expect some guys to think about sex and virginity this way or do they, even if they are in a loving relationship, expect the guy to be solely bothered about losing his virginity if it is his first time? I just say this as a lot of guys seem to go on about losing their virginity just for the sake of losing it or just having sex and not thinking about the emotional aspects.
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      mrgetbig50 wrote:

      idk for me i want it the emotional aspects to be there... but im not sure on how to go about it because i dont have any experience with this..

      I suppose if you want it to be meaningful for you then it may probably be with a girlfriend, in which case it'll probably come naturally. But, like you, I don't have any experience either so my advice about this isn't the best to go on.
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      Ayso wrote:

      I think it is very sacred and special. And if you lose it with someone, it's very special. I am a virgin. I am saving it for teh one :D
      And I think the exact opposite. What's that Voltaire said about virginity? "It is an infantile superstition of the human spirit that virginity would be thought a virtue and not the barrier that separates ignorance from knowledge."

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      stephaknee wrote:

      It's important to me, I am 20 and still a virgin and it makes me proud.
      I don't really care, I am waiting to give it to someone.
      You don't really care, yet still having it makes you proud? Lolwut?

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      mrgetbig50 wrote:

      Hey Laura,

      why do you feel this way?
      Better question is why should I feel any different? Virginity is nothing to value. Sex is not an act of love or devotion or any of that romantic bullshit; it's just an act of copulation and enjoyment. It can be the latter with love, devotion, or romance, of course, but at its core, it isn't. My moral values, as far as sex go, tell me 1: sex is enjoyed by each person differently, and as long as they harm no other, then they can do whatever the hell they want with whomever the hell they want whenever the hell they want and 2: it is one of our most basic instincts to bring ourselves pleasure, and denying that for the sake of "virtue" with no logical basis is idiocy.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      With someone who I have good chemistry with and trust. Even then.... it's not something I want to go crazy with.(still a virgin) mainly because I don't trust anyone and I haven't found anyone with good enough chemistry. I also wouldn't expect to be with the person I have sex with unless we had that understanding. It would be just for experience and pleasure until I feel ready to commit.
    • Re: wat do you think about virginity?

      I'm still a virgin. I actually had a chance to change that more than a year ago, but I didn't like that girl anywhere near as much as she liked me and I knew that in the long term, we would both regret it.

      My girlfriend and I have been talking about it and we are going to soon, we are just waiting for the right occasion.

      Shute;2172895 wrote:

      You are in the classic suck position.