What's Your Defense Mechanism?

    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor

      When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!

      What's Your Defense Mechanism?
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Isolation

      When life gets to be too much to handle, you just withdraw. You rather not deal with things.
      You tend to be a very isolated person. You want to connect to others, but you don't know where to start.

      The problem with withdrawing from the world is that it's hard to reintegrate yourself when you're ready.
      Instead of pulling back when you have problems, it would be better for you to reach out.

      What's Your Defense Mechanism?
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor

      When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!

      What's Your Defense Mechanism?
      [CENTER]E quindi uscimmo a riveder le stelle &#9829;
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Displacement

      You have a lot of pent up emotions, and they tend to come out fairly inappropriately.
      You tend to take things out on those closest to you... because it's safe to do so.
      While you are able to get some emotional release, you're hurting the people who love you.
      Even though it may harder to confront what's really going on, it's probably for the best.
      What's Your Defense Mechanism?
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]She's the wild orchid in your ugly swamp[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Projection

      It's not you, really. It's everyone else. At least, that's what you keep telling yourself.
      You may not have noticed, but you tend to hate in others what you fear most in yourself.

      Projection is a seductive defense mechanism because you never end up noticing that there is anything wrong with you.
      If everyone you know is a jerk, then there's a good chance that you're the one acting like a jerk!
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor

      When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Humor When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!
      [SIZE=2]Only Chuck Norris can tickle the Hulk[/SIZE]
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      <font face="Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif" style='color:black; font-size: 14pt;'>
      <strong>Your Defense Mechanism is Isolation</strong>

      When life gets to be too much to handle, you just withdraw. You rather not deal with things.
      You tend to be a very isolated person. You want to connect to others, but you don't know where to start.

      The problem with withdrawing from the world is that it's hard to reintegrate yourself when you're ready.
      Instead of pulling back when you have problems, it would be better for you to reach out.

    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Humor

      When life gets you down, you just have to laugh. And that's a very healthy reaction.
      It's not that you don't take your problems seriously. You do. You just don't let them control you.

      You are able to make the best of things, even when things look very, very bleak.
      Some people may consider your sense of humor to be dark, but it has served you well!
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]Maybe it's not my weekend, but it's gonna be my year,
      and i'm so sick of watching while
      the minutes pass as i go nowhere. <3AllTimeLow[/SIZE]

    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Isolation When life gets to be too much to handle, you just withdraw. You rather not deal with things.
      You tend to be a very isolated person. You want to connect to others, but you don't know where to start.

      The problem with withdrawing from the world is that it's hard to reintegrate yourself when you're ready.
      Instead of pulling back when you have problems, it would be better for you to reach out.
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Sublimation Compared to most people, you handle your problems very well.
      You're good at channeling negative energy into positive energy. You know how to change your perspective.

      You turn bad events into opportunities. You find strength in dealing with your problems.
      You are inspired and productive. Some may describe you as a "tortured genius" - but you're not that tortured.
    • Re: What's Your Defense Mechanism?

      Your Defense Mechanism is Sublimation Compared to most people, you handle your problems very well.
      You're good at channeling negative energy into positive energy. You know how to change your perspective.

      You turn bad events into opportunities. You find strength in dealing with your problems.
      You are inspired and productive. Some may describe you as a "tortured genius" - but you're not that tortured.
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on