Songs you initially disliked

    • Songs you initially disliked

      Has anyone had songs they didn't initially like, but then after a few listens it just dawns on you how absolutely brilliant that song is? For me personally the first time I heard "Sympathy for the Devil" from the Rolling Stones I thought it wasn't an overly special song. Now it's one of my all time favourites. Top 10 easily. One of the greatest songs ever.

      Another is Bob Dylan's "Like a Rolling Stone." All the music mags and everyone hailed it as the greatest song of all time. I found it a bit overrated when I heard it first few times, but each time I listen to it now it just grows on me and I realise that it in fact is absolute genius. That said though it definitely wouldn't come close to being the best song ever, and Dylan recorded many much better songs eg "Hurricane."

      So what are your stories?
    • Re: Songs you initially disliked

      [ame=]YouTube - Klaas - The Way (Hype Mix)[/ame]

      I absolutely hated "The Way" by Klaas when I first heard this track on the radio and wondered why it was being so played. I just couldn't get into the beat or the vocals at all. I normally love Klaas but I just hated the song.

      Well guess why I love Electro? Anytime an original song comes out, the remix is normally always is better. Point in by this track. I normally love Klaas but I just hated the song.

      I heard this one spun by a friend at le Skratch(club) and was like holy crap. Not one of my top 10s but this remix alone redeemed Klaas's spotless record in my books.
    • Re: Songs you initially disliked

      Almost every song I listen to.

      My initial listen-through is always very negative. Generally though I try to find at least one good thing about that song, and sometimes i can even work from there and start to appreciate it. A recent example would be Just Dance by Lady Gaga. The first time I heard it, I was like "fuck this new bullshit pop whatever" but I held onto the breakdown, because it's very cool. Based on that and the fact that I've heard other Lady Gaga, I found that it's actually a good song. But, being pop, it still gets old very quickly.
      Love it when you call me Legs
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    • Re: Songs you initially disliked

      realize by colbie.

      oh, and the popular songs of the moment. i hate them because they're being played everywhere. then when it get's old, that's when i usually appreciate the song.

      an example is again, realize by colbie calliat.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ensy ().

    • Re: Songs you initially disliked

      All of Lady Gaga's songs. I start off hating them, begin to really like them, but by that time I get bored of them.
      [CENTER][CENTER]Taken: Shibuya, Toto-Super Space.
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