Discipline and Abuse

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    • Discipline and Abuse

      Many parents hit their kids in order to discipline them, so what do you think is the fine line between the two? And do you think beating is alright?

      I think that hitting isn't ok, and should only be used in drastic situations... And the difference is that when a parent is discipling a child, they have their child's well being in mind. But then again, some horrible things are done with good intentions...
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Beat your damn kids. The way teenagers are this year, I'm disgusted and ashamed to be in the same generation.

      They know no discipline. They can't handle priorities. They believe their social lives are more important than their academics. They drink, smoke, drive, and party. This is the end of civilization as we know it.

      Of course, in Asia, we get beaten. And we should. Our parents raised us with high expectations, and if we don't reach them, we should be punished. How else are we to succeed in this world?

      I remember as a kid that I was beaten severely for every test score that's lower than 90%. And I applaud my parents for such discipline because when I look at my class right now, I stand much higher than everyone else. While everyone else is having difficulty with Pre-Calculus, I look at them and think, man, I did this shit in 9th grade. And I know damn well that I'm only superior to the rest of the class because of the discipline I receive.

      Beat your damn kids, and beat them well.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Arrowblossom wrote:

      Many parents hit their kids in order to discipline them, so what do you think is the fine line between the two? And do you think beating is alright?

      I think that hitting isn't ok, and should only be used in drastic situations... And the difference is that when a parent is discipling a child, they have their child's well being in mind. But then again, some horrible things are done with good intentions...

      I was spanked once in my life so I believe that is ok. I don't believe in abuse other then a small slap or two. After you do it they may be a little scared, hence less likely to commit the deed that got them the spanking in the first place. Also I did say that before that since it happened to me I wish it upon others, no I don't mean it that way. Hell I got beat all the time by someone at school almost all the time and would never wish it upon anyone. So yeah, that is my view on the subject ^^
      [LEFT][SIZE=1]Everyone is arrogant, everyone has lows, everyone has highs, everyone lies, cries, laughs, smiles, is a hypocrite, etc and overall we all have some emotional thing in our life that cripples our mentality....But at the end of the day we look in our mirror, take a deep breath and...We move on with such burdens.[/SIZE]
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      LOLFag wrote:

      Beat your damn kids. The way teenagers are this year, I'm disgusted and ashamed to be in the same generation.

      They know no discipline. They can't handle priorities. They believe their social lives are more important than their academics. They drink, smoke, drive, and party. This is the end of civilization as we know it.

      Of course, in Asia, we get beaten. And we should. Our parents raised us with high expectations, and if we don't reach them, we should be punished. How else are we to succeed in this world?

      I remember as a kid that I was beaten severely for every test score that's lower than 90%. And I applaud my parents for such discipline because when I look at my class right now, I stand much higher than everyone else. While everyone else is having difficulty with Pre-Calculus, I look at them and think, man, I did this shit in 9th grade. And I know damn well that I'm only superior to the rest of the class because of the discipline I receive.

      Beat your damn kids, and beat them well.

      Dude you are messed up...

      i watched my sister being beaten by my dad for every little mistake, i heard her screams, saw her tears...it's not cool...

      get over yourself you have a serious superiority complex...

      i find it funny your trying to tell us your ok...yea right what a joke...
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Elder Scrolls V[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Panda wrote:

      Dude you are messed up...

      i watched my sister being beaten by my dad for every little mistake, i heard her screams, saw her tears...it's not cool...

      get over yourself you have a serious superiority complex...

      i find it funny your trying to tell us your ok...yea right what a joke...

      Obviously, 1) your sister is being beaten by your dad for the wrong reasons, and 2) your sister can't handle being beaten.

      I've suffered a shitload worse than your sister, trust me, and I can definitely say that it's worth it, and that yes, I'm superior to the rest of my class, and that teens nowadays have no sense of priorities, respect, or discipline. This is the problem with today's society: you can't handle pain. What happened to her, get smacked on the ass a few times? I've been beaten with bamboo sticks, with belts, and god knows what else when I was a kid. Well, now that I'm a teenager, I have self-control and I don't make the same goddamn mistakes all of you do. I haven't been beaten for 8 years, and that's because I'm glad to say I've been corrected of all my problems when I was young, and if I wasn't, who knows what rebelliousness I could have as a teenager.

      It's not cool, eh? Of course it's not. Is it necessary? Absolutely not. Is it effective? Very damn right it is, but only in cultures that condone such disciplinary behavior. You Western civilizations, I'm glad to say I'm not part of you seeing the generation America and its companions' future depends on. So you get beaten. You get depressed, you feel like your life's going to end, you become a sore ass and you cry and shit. How about stop whining, learn from your mistakes, and don't get beaten again?

      Pain is the easiest way to access the mind. It's primal, it's instinctive. And it works. Of course, not with the kids I see today, simply because you guys don't know what discipline is. Tell me, what form of punishment do you then see fit? Time-outs? Grounding? Such weak punishments that inflict no discipline whatsoever.

      Tears is pain leaving the body. Tears are a sign of learning. So you're going to be shielded from pain? So you're going to not learn the hard way? Such softness wouldn't land you shit in the competitive real world. I owe my current luxurious lifestyle to the discipline I've been taught. Superior complex? That makes me sound like the evil egotistical bad guy. In the end, it's not about who's living a painless life. In the end, it's all about who's on top.

      No pain, no gain.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      If that's the case, I'm rather successful considering I was barely hit at all, and it stopped after age 6. My father is a former Buddhist and he's never hurt a fly (except for when he was in martial arts, but that was many years ago.) And to be honest, you do sound like you think you're superior in your posts.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Zen ().

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Zen wrote:

      If that's the case, I'm rather successful considering I was barely hit at all, and it stopped after age 6. My father is a former Buddhist and he's never hurt a fly (except for when he was in martial arts, but that was many years ago.) And to be honest, you do sound like you think you're superior in your posts.

      I stopped being hit after the age of 8. Once again, I was only beaten when I failed to meet expectations, something that doesn't happen often.

      Is being superior a bad thing? Is being successful a bad thing? Or are we obliged to fit into society like common sheep while others who stand out achieve more? I don't know about you, but I'm the kinda guy who wants to achieve more than what the average person makes.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Zen wrote:

      I have no problem with success. That doesn't mean you have to act like you think you're superior to everyone else. And I highly doubt acting arrogant on a teen forum will play out into your success in life.

      I merely said I was superior to the rest of my classmates, as evident in my grades and accomplishments.

      Arrogance...one will not express arrogance unless one has the right to do so. I must say, arrogance is indeed one of my bad traits, but normally I've been able to hold it down.

      Unless I'm in a conversation with one of those sheep who cry at being beaten. I'm sorry, but no pain, no gain.

      Besides, it won't play out on any success. It just feels good, because I'm currently in a pissed mood.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      LOLFag wrote:

      I merely said I was superior to the rest of my classmates, as evident in my grades and accomplishments.

      Arrogance...one will not express arrogance unless one has the right to do so. I must say, arrogance is indeed one of my bad traits, but normally I've been able to hold it down.

      Unless I'm in a conversation with one of those sheep who cry at being beaten. I'm sorry, but no pain, no gain.

      Besides, it won't play out on any success. It just feels good, because I'm currently in a pissed mood.

      Which is why I said you're acting like you're superior. You may not think so, but you are, and its rather bothersome.

      Are you suggesting there's no such thing as unwarranted ignorance?

      If there's nothing to gain from being rude to other people, one has even less of a reason to be rude than normal.
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Zen wrote:

      Which is why I said you're acting like you're superior. You may not think so, but you are, and its rather bothersome.

      Are you suggesting there's no such thing as unwarranted ignorance?

      If there's nothing to gain from being rude to other people, one has even less of a reason to be rude than normal.

      I understand that its rather annoying, I would've been pissed myself if I were the receiver of such comments, but as I said, I'm in a pissed mood, so my rational thinking is deterred.

      And yes, there is. I know real-life examples.

      Nevertheless, I daresay being rude vents out my anger and disdain.

      ---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:18 PM ----------

      And I apologize for whatever connotations my comments may include. Can't think clearly with a pissed mind.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      I'd never hurt my kids. My parents never hurt me and I'm fine. If as a parent you find yourself physically hurting your own child I think you fail massively. Regardless of the endless evidence that spanking ect is wrong I still think morally I would never do it anyway. A lot of the time you find parents are hurting their child for fucked up reasons like them having ADHD or behavioral problems. Hitting them is just so fucked up when that is the case.
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      LOLFag wrote:

      Obviously, 1) your sister is being beaten by your dad for the wrong reasons, and 2) your sister can't handle being beaten.

      I've suffered a shitload worse than your sister, trust me, and I can definitely say that it's worth it, and that yes, I'm superior to the rest of my class, and that teens nowadays have no sense of priorities, respect, or discipline. This is the problem with today's society: you can't handle pain. What happened to her, get smacked on the ass a few times? I've been beaten with bamboo sticks, with belts, and god knows what else when I was a kid. Well, now that I'm a teenager, I have self-control and I don't make the same goddamn mistakes all of you do. I haven't been beaten for 8 years, and that's because I'm glad to say I've been corrected of all my problems when I was young, and if I wasn't, who knows what rebelliousness I could have as a teenager.

      It's not cool, eh? Of course it's not. Is it necessary? Absolutely not. Is it effective? Very damn right it is, but only in cultures that condone such disciplinary behavior. You Western civilizations, I'm glad to say I'm not part of you seeing the generation America and its companions' future depends on. So you get beaten. You get depressed, you feel like your life's going to end, you become a sore ass and you cry and shit. How about stop whining, learn from your mistakes, and don't get beaten again?

      Pain is the easiest way to access the mind. It's primal, it's instinctive. And it works. Of course, not with the kids I see today, simply because you guys don't know what discipline is. Tell me, what form of punishment do you then see fit? Time-outs? Grounding? Such weak punishments that inflict no discipline whatsoever.

      Tears is pain leaving the body. Tears are a sign of learning. So you're going to be shielded from pain? So you're going to not learn the hard way? Such softness wouldn't land you shit in the competitive real world. I owe my current luxurious lifestyle to the discipline I've been taught. Superior complex? That makes me sound like the evil egotistical bad guy. In the end, it's not about who's living a painless life. In the end, it's all about who's on top.

      No pain, no gain.

      You are a mother fucking arsehole i hope you rot in hell :)
      [CENTER][SIZE=3]Elder Scrolls V[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      You Western civilizations, I'm glad to say I'm not part of you seeing the generation America and its companions' future depends on. So you get beaten. You get depressed, you feel like your life's going to end, you become a sore ass and you cry and shit. How about stop whining, learn from your mistakes, and don't get beaten again?
      We still have 11 aircraft carriers, while you have a whopping -ZERO- aircraft carriers.

      Anyway, on topic- my mom only slapped me a few times when i was little and not very hard. I'm sure I would have turned out fine even if she hadn't, though. I think punishing a kid by forbidding him things like television and video games or whatever he likes the most is far better punishment than beating. I became disciplined simply because when I did something wrong my mom would say I can't watch TV or play video games for a week, or invite any friends over, and I just learned not to misbehave again.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Assaultrifle ().

    • Re: Discipline and Abuse

      Panda wrote:

      You are a mother fucking arsehole i hope you rot in hell :)

      I appreciate the fact that you acknowledge and respect my opinion. And by the way, I'm not religious, therefore hell is irrelevant. You can doom me to poverty, but it's a bit late for that.

      ---------- Post added at 06:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:13 PM ----------

      Assaultrifle wrote:

      We still have 11 aircraft carriers, while you have a whopping -ZERO- aircraft carriers.

      Anyway, on topic- my mom only slapped me a few times when i was little and not very hard. I'm sure I would have turned out fine even if she hadn't, though. I think punishing a kid by forbidding him things like television and video games or whatever he likes the most is far better punishment than beating. I became disciplined simply because when I did something wrong my mom would say I can't watch TV or play video games for a week, or invite any friends over, and I just learned not to misbehave again.

      Er...how does military might be in any way relevant to the lack of discipline in today's youth? Perhaps I'm reading your argument incorrectly?

      I'm sure passive discipline works, but it only gets you so far. When it gets to a point in the rebellious stage in puberty, you and I know that grounding does jack shit, simply because there are more methods of communication and access to the outside world than the computer and the cell phone. We can bypass the punishment by other means and it kinda ruins the point, therefore in more extreme cases like drinking alcohol, partying, and having sex with random guys, grounding isn't going to work.
      [CENTER].::ANIME is DOPAMINE to me::.
