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    • i hate my stepmom.
      they only been married a year but my dad never listens to me, he always takes her side on everything
      she's changed everything. she used to model when she was younger and she thought i had good looks to model too so she wanted me to get into that, and now i am busy all the time and i have to diet too cuz she wants me to look like one of those skinny emo boys that look gay cuz that's the look that's "in" right now.
      she made me quit the football team so i would lose weight and look emo.
      i have to homechool now because i am busy all the time, and i dont get to see my friends much and im always busy or tired.
      i got a contract but she won't let me spend the money and if i am doing a job like that then i think i should decide how i get to spend it don't you?
      and i wanna go back to football and school. but like i said nobody cares what i want.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by football: fixed some grammar ().

    • Re: stepmom

      She can't make you do anything. This is your body and your choice. If you do go into modeling, its your money, not hers. Legally she can not spend it for you.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.
    • Re: stepmom

      she;s not spending it, she's making me save it in the bank. i think i should get to spend it if i want to. im the one doing the job. and my dad agrees with her i should keep it in the bank.

      but to be honest. its not like she made me go into modeling, i mean she wanted me to and pushed for it but i agreed to do it cuz i thought it would make her like me better. because she used to model and she wanted me to, so i thought it would be like a hobby thing we could share and we would have somehting in common. i didn't know she was gonna get so pushy and make it take over my whole life. and instead of making her like me better, it pretty much did the opposite. i mean she acts like thats all im good for now or something.

      and i cant go back to how it used to be.
    • she has your best interests in mind, to must be frustrating working and not getting to spend the money, but im sure shes just putting it away to secure your future, i think you should talk to her and say you enjoy the modelling but you miss your social life and your sport, you want to go back to school because your still young and dont know for sure what you want to do with your life, ask if she'll help you model part time and suggest maybe you start another hobby together because you dont want to miss out on the time you spent together, try and strike a comprimise with her, it doesnt sound like she is trying to be mean or controlling, it just sounds like she enjoyed her modelling career and hopes you will too, she also wants you to have a good futurewhere you dont have to worry about money, dont be too hard on her, but you have to be honest, it doesnt sound like she realises that this is not how you want to spend your life, just remember shes doing it becase she cares about you and wants you to have a good life :)
    • Re: stepmom

      I talked to her. She said I can't quit because I have gotten good contracts and you can't back out on a contract. Plus she said she wouldn't let me quit when I am doing so well, cuz why should I quit something Im good at. I pointed out that I was good at football too and I had to quit that. I said I don't really want to do this anymore because it means I can't go to school and be normal and hang out with my friends and other stuff. She said those are sacrifices you have to make to be succesful. She said sports were a bad idea right now because I would have to miss practices and games to go to jobs and go-sees (those are auditions), and that if I got injured it would ruin me. :mad: My dad wanted me to play football but mainly just for the scholarships you can get for football, and since i am making money modeling then the scholarships don't matter so much anymore and he doesn't want me to quit either because he always agrees with her on everything. I could just flat out refuse to go but then shed probably hate me and I guess I still hold out hope that she will love me and think of me as her son. Cuz I always wanted a mom ever since I was little, cuz mine bailed on us. If my dad married someone nicer I dont think i would have any problems.