
    • i am in a completely stupid situation I'm bi mostly gay and I cant accept it.
      My family would hate me if they knew
      I like guys I cant help it.
      but if my family knew like i said they would hate me :/
      What do i do?
      I want a boyfriend and at the same Time I could never let anyone know.
      my life is fucked I need help.
    • xXBURNXx wrote:

      i am in a completely stupid situation I'm bi mostly gay and I cant accept it.
      My family would hate me if they knew
      I like guys I cant help it.
      but if my family knew like i said they would hate me :/
      What do i do?
      I want a boyfriend and at the same Time I could never let anyone know.
      my life is fucked I need help.

      Ummmm, don't tell them then? :confused:

      You could keep it a secret, you know. ;)
    • You don;t have to tell them but if you want to be safe. Wait until you move out so they can't punish you.

      Jesus Christ;1624368 wrote:

      Dresden, You want to prove that you are better than a non white person? Get the fuck out of your mom's basement, go outside, get a job and make your life worth something.
    • Ya at the age of 16 you are probably safe to keep it a secret. Wait until you're out of those house (^as said above) before telling them if you have to. Then again, you never really have to tell them. Let them figure it out for themselves.

      As for wanting a boyfriend - go for it :D I'm sure most guys would understand that you want it kept private and may even be in the same situation as you. Just make sure not to bring him around the house much, and if you're going out with him, maybe lie to your parents and through a couple girl's names into the list of people "attending" :rolleyes: Unless your parents are extremely paranoid, they'd never look to see if that was true, and they'll just assume it's a friend-party or a double-date that you are just not telling them about (with you and one madeup girl, + your boyfriend and the other made up girl as couples). If you do lie though, keep your story straight!

      O, and good luck :)
    • As many of the others have said, wait until you move out, and then tell them. They can't actually hate you. They've lived with you for sixteen years and didn't know, haven't they? They have to accept you for who you are. Just wait to tell them; I can't imagine how confused and sad you are. You are who you are, and you can't change that. Good luck! :)
    • I dont really agree with above. (SORRY!)
      But why should you keep what you are a secret?? We should be proud of who we are shouldn't we?

      I dont think a Mom or Dad would kick their daughter/son out their home with nowhere to go if they were gay would they?
      Its become a "normal" thing now, to be gay. Its not what it used to be. The consequences are not anywhere near as bad as they used to be. Now you just get mocked a bit.

      If you tell your Mom and Dad, they probably would be shocked at first, but they will still love you because your still YOU. It would take time to get used to. But things would get better. They'd learn to accept it.

      DomGTR wrote:

      Yeah, end up bumping into Mr Bear who just found out Goldilox had eaten his porridge and slept in his bed wouldn't end well.

      [CENTER] Teenhut makes me smile :)[/CENTER]
    • i have a lil advice..i quite agree with bosh..why keep a part of you a secert? its who you are and if they dont understand that then they dont know you at all.

      and i dont want to just rely on anyone of us to tell you what to do.
      keeping it a secert is up to you if you could live with yourself,
      and if you tell them just be prepared for anything. and dont always think the worse in your family.they might surprize you.
    • keep it a secret! 2 reasons: 1-your home life will be better, less awkward, and if your parents are extremely anti-gay you won't have to go to therapy. 2-just in case you decide the best person for you is a girl (even if you are bi) your parents won't have to know that. If you have to tell anyone, tell your friends. They're better at understanding and accepting you :)

      Good Luck :)