Is it possible to buy another mother from Ebay or Amazon?

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    • Is it possible to buy another mother from Ebay or Amazon?

      My mother has always been the cause of ruin in my life from day 1.
      Because of her everything in my life went upside down...

      We were a happy family(in my eyes at the time anyway) a family of four you have the Mum and the father my little brother and I, life just seemed perfect I went to a good school i was doing well I went swimming went to church regularly I had loads of friends etc.

      So Mum and Dad started having major problems mostly based around money and stuff so my Mum kicked my father out of the house in such an awful way (boiling water, smashing of car windows included) that both *David and I will never forget he was around 4 at the time. So we moved and I went to an awful school and the reason why I couldn't attend my former one was because my mother said she couldnt walk. so my new school was so racist I mean seriously and the worst part about it it wasn't even from the white kids because it was 97 percent asian school I got it so much you know in the line and theres this big ass gap between me and the other kids no-one wanted to come near me and shit my teachers often referred to me as "gorreah" which in their language means blackie or some other shit like that SO I resorted to fighting it became too damn much for me and it was never the girls the girls were evil and conniving in their own little ways but it was usually behind my back.

      So one guy I still remember the incident CLEARLY came to me and started his usual antics so I went crazy and beat the crap out of him mercilessly HONESTLY I had never felt more happy in my life back then, he came back for round 2 of course but got the same treatment so since then they avoided me they were scared so I started getting some sort of respect in a way but I didn't want that I just wanted them to like me.

      This all could have been avoided if I continued going to my school. This would never had happened if Mum took advice.

      Anyway so Mum got a new "man" and we moved to London we were forced to call him Dad even when HE protested because she said my father was never a father figure anyway. We reluctantly started calling him "Daddy Eli" (short for Eliza) so when we went to see our real dad we got into the habit of talking about our stepdad and refferring to him as Dad too. This made my real Dad very angry. So anyway "sweet Daddy Eli" started beating her up to rubbish, which If i may point out my real father never did for 1 day, and suprisingly I never cared after the round of beatings I'd usually accompany him to work and we'd talk about movies, chicken, sports as if it never happened.

      It got to a point that my own mother started accusing me of having a relationship with my own stepfather, I was like in my head "golly gee I'm actually potentially capable of seducing a man" I was like what, 10 at the time.
      Shed get really insecure at times beating us up for the most smallest of things shouting cussing calling us ugly and stuff accusing me of sleeping with boys and that

      The relationship didn't LAST, OBVIOUSLY and we moved AGAIN so by that time my dad had found a wonderful school for me one in London where the ethnic minority wasn't a minority at all, plus it was a catholic based school.
      my life was getting better once more, I had great friends, good clothes (mums a designer) I was popular, smart, pretty in a sense I guess and everything and everyone was working out just fine until......the reprts came in I was badly behaved rude, liekd talking bad "stephanie could do so much more" etc. As I grew older the problems between my mother and I grew too she hadn't taught me to do anything but expected me to do everything things got more and more tense.

      So one day a meeting was held in school after mum threw me and I mean literally out of the house, so i went to my dad we went for a meeting in school she told the care/social workers there that she didnt want me anymore and the only reason i wanted to stay with her was because of StPauls my school. which was true anyway so I left my school, my friends, my life really and went BACK to where I had initially stayed in the period of that racist school.

      Back in Luton I went to a crappy crappy school it was 99 percent white and was full of the most immature slutty loosely moraled people I have EVER come across in my short life. The standards both socially and academically were way eblow the mark. but it was either that or boarding!!! Because all the other gd sklswere full.
      So eventually I went to boarding skl in Nigeria to learn my culture(ha..ha..ha?) and although Im learning a lot more I hate the people and evironment.

      My Mum has been thecause of my demise,even recently there was an issue where she seized my stepmothers certificate, shes from abroad so thats the only thing that shows her shes a qualified graduate to be able to work in this country as a teacher/banker etc, for no good reason my mother seized it from me and she denied the police in front of everyone saying I never gave it to her. We wernt even having problems. She is single-handedly the most spiteful vindictive insecure excuse for a homosapien I've ever come across in my life. She didnt even text me or anything on my birthday. Nothing. I hate her I'm suffering I'm lost no real friends because of her i dont know who I am i'd rather be that rude, funny, witty girl from south london who lived for the day than a white girl living in Nigeria. Honestly my teachers in boarding school call me a borrowed Nigerian black on the outside white as snow on the inside. I hate my life. No reason in living no real friends everyone has moved on. I want a bomb to land in my bedroom so that God wont put me in hell on the basis of suicide.

      Back to my question is it possible to buy a mother on ebay and turn back the hands of time?
      [SIZE=5]D0nt Fall For Him Girls, he Wont Catch You... [/SIZE]
      [SIZE=5][email protected][/SIZE]
    • Re: Is it possible to buy another mother from Ebay or Amazon?

      That is tough. But believe it or not, there are others who have it worse than you. I know, just trust me on that. But as far as you buying another mom. I don't think so. But you can always make true friends that will stick by you no matter what. A good mom is rare to come by, just like friends. Rare. Good luck and cheer up. Learn from these experiences. When you are older, you'll be like, I had a bad childhood, but by then you will enjoy your life and make it what you want it to be.
    • Re: Is it possible to buy another mother from Ebay or Amazon?

      A very tough case. Do you have relatives you can stay with other than your mom? Have you talked to the social workers about this?

      Your mom sounds like a rotten person. Rotten people shouldn't have the right to procreate and put their offspring through hell, it just isn't right.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.