rap music..overrated?

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    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      Talking fast? Who says you have to rap fast. That's more of a gimmick I find (like Twista) . Rap is rhythm and poetry. Gotta stay on beat, say what you have to say right, timing, and most importantly sound good when you're saying it. It takes ALOT of talent to be a good rapper. And them people just might not like the sound of your voice. Similes, wordplay, and all that. It just matters more in a rap song. Then lot's not forget beats. People actually have to make them, you know? Instruments, sampling, synthesizing and so on.

      "I make Mussolini wear a Kufi
      Talk like Dr. King
      But look like Malcomn holdin' his Uzi"-Killah Priest (Gun For Gun)

      You can't just sell any old dude, just readin those lines over any old beat to people. Coming from the mouth right guy(Killah P) it's gold.
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      jdogg061 wrote:

      alright so i know people will have different views but personally i don't really like rap. i'm more of a punk, rock, heavy metal guy. i believe that being in a band takes more talent than rappin, cause as i see it all you do is talk fast and make words rhyme.

      I write rap and it is difficult, you can't compare it to a band because that should be a team effort, my music, lyrics, song names all that is by me.
      When I listen to a good rap song it's like i'm set free, sometimes it's even as good as an orgasm, so I don't know,but I love rap.

      I don't listen to seansless rap where they just run shit like a ass with legs.
      "I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!"
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      alright well i didn't really mean talk fast. i put that wrong.
      but i'm just saying that personally i don't like rap. though i can tolerate it
      but i didn't mean writing lyrics was harder. i meant like the actual playing guitar and drums.
      but i don't really like rap and i can still write rap lyrics
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      jdogg061 wrote:

      alright well i didn't really mean talk fast. i put that wrong.
      but i'm just saying that personally i don't like rap. though i can tolerate it
      but i didn't mean writing lyrics was harder. i meant like the actual playing guitar and drums.
      but i don't really like rap and i can still write rap lyrics

      Do you know if you're good at telling if the right beat goes over it or if the beat sounds good but just isn't for the song, or maby even makeing your own if you can't offord or get a DJ?
      "I don't give a fuck, God sent me to piss the world off!"
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      I listen to most music on the spectrum. I listen to rap, heavy metal, pop, everything from extreme opposite sites.

      And usually there's a lot of bands in all those categories that are overrated. For a band, they could be using the same melodies and riffs that another band had used and just changed it a little.

      In every genre, usually there might be a group or person who's overrated. But a genre in itself? No genre is overrated as each has their own individual talents and different styles that another genre couldn't match.

      A lot of mainstream groups/people are overrated usually, but usually the underground or less known acts of a genre are true treasures and show the talent to be found within the genre.

      For rap, you need the stamina to stand up on stage being able to continuously spit out lines fast and heavy. You don't have time to think, just do. Sometimes you'll have to make your own beats, and then you'll have to write lyrics that are going to get your word out, just like in rock music you need to write lyrics for your songs.

      If you're a solo rapper, basically the only thing I see being harder for a band is that you have to keep on good terms with your bandmates. Other than that, they're pretty much equal.
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      Masked Man wrote:

      I think heavy metal is ALOT better then rap, but that dosent mean rap isnt over-rated. Eminem and Mizfit The Menance are incredibly talented. Personally though, mainstream rap is horrible, not talent wise but influence wise.

      Lol, Eminem is mainstream....

      And yeah the only rapper I like is Akon... Other than that, I listen to rock, rock and more rock :)
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      J.Walker wrote:

      Talking fast? Who says you have to rap fast. That's more of a gimmick I find (like Twista) . Rap is rhythm and poetry. Gotta stay on beat, say what you have to say right, timing, and most importantly sound good when you're saying it. It takes ALOT of talent to be a good rapper. And them people just might not like the sound of your voice. Similes, wordplay, and all that. It just matters more in a rap song. Then lot's not forget beats. People actually have to make them, you know? Instruments, sampling, synthesizing and so on.

      I agree.. you need talent to be a GOOD rapper. Though I do not like most of the hip-hop/rap combos. Their mostly about sex or random things? "We fly high, no lie.." or "This is why I'm hot.. I'm hot 'cause I'm fly, you ain't 'cause you not.." [Or something around those lines.]

      Fort Minor on the other hand sings about meaningful stuffs.

      Thought I usually tend to stray away from rap - as much as possible.
      I'm back bitches.
    • Re: rap music..overrated?

      Adept wrote:

      Feel Like Home reminds me of my neighborhood. I like music I identify with.

      Isn't feel like home about death? Fort Minor is ok. But I find it so vanilla sometimes. Like...it lacks the grit or 'aunthentic' feeling I get with other rappers. And the person who brought up the hit singles (We Fly High This Is Why I'm Hot)...care to listen to the spaces between the hooks, lol. No diss. No one really does when it comes to those kinds of songs. They're pop phenomenons, kno. The song that everyone knows.

      You can't have a million layers of meaning in every song you hear. Not that they aren't made. They just don't make it 2 BET. When it comes to This Is Why I'm Hot I can't hate on MIMS; that dude has been trying FOREVER to just produce a hit. Just a hit. That was his goal; catchy cool beat real popular. And he finally made it