What Would You Win an Oscar For?

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    • What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Costume Design

      You are imaginative, artistic, and very unique. You are a natural designer.
      You can picture entire movies in your head. You are incredibly visual.
      As long as you can remember, you've always had a flare for fashion. You like to experiment with looks.
      You like dressing up in costumes and outfits. And not just for Halloween!
      What Would You Win an Oscar For?
      [CENTER][SIZE=1]She's the wild orchid in your ugly swamp[/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Original Screenplay

      You are insightful and expressive. You've always been a natural storyteller.
      You know how to hook an audience, entertain them, and surprise them at the end.

      Where people see everyday life, you see an engaging plot with interesting characters.
      You notice details that other people ignore. People you've only met once or twice live inside your head.

      What Would You Win an Oscar For?
    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Actor / Actress

      You are confident and talented. When it's time for you to shine, you step up.
      You have a strong personality. You love attention, and you can command an audience of any size.

      You tend to be a bit obsessive. You're the perfect person to immerse yourself in a big role.
      You're both empathetic and expressive. You understand and communicate well.
    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Documentary Feature

      You are very curious about and engaged with the world. Everyone is interesting to you.
      You have a variety of interests, and you delve into them quite deeply.

      People are impressed by the sheer quantity of stuff you know, and you're learning more every day.
      However, you're not just informed. You also are very informative. You share what you know in an engaging and interesting way.

      What Would You Win an Oscar For?
    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Actor / Actress You are confident and talented. When it's time for you to shine, you step up.
      You have a strong personality. You love attention, and you can command an audience of any size.

      You tend to be a bit obsessive. You're the perfect person to immerse yourself in a big role.
      You're both empathetic and expressive. You understand and communicate well.
      [SIZE=3]Just Be Yourself :thumbsup:

    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Original Screenplay You are insightful and expressive. You've always been a natural storyteller.
      You know how to hook an audience, entertain them, and surprise them at the end.

      Where people see everyday life, you see an engaging plot with interesting characters.
      You notice details that other people ignore. People you've only met once or twice live inside your head.
    • Re: What Would You Win an Oscar For?

      You Would Win Best Original Screenplay You are insightful and expressive. You've always been a natural storyteller.
      You know how to hook an audience, entertain them, and surprise them at the end.

      Where people see everyday life, you see an engaging plot with interesting characters.
      You notice details that other people ignore. People you've only met once or twice live inside your head.
      [CENTER]Don't give up on the dream, don't give up on the wanting... and everything that's true.[/CENTER]