Help! Please! Need help by Monday 29/Aug/2009

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    • Help! Please! Need help by Monday 29/Aug/2009

      The events last week were all warning signs that this would happen. I overheard my crush talking about who she liked (not me). I had to ignore this. I wish I'd acted sooner. This event was one of the warning signs. The next sign was about one and a half hour later, at PE. We were doing dancing and we had to pick our partners. I couldn't get anyone and the teachers tried helping me by putting me with people. Every one of the four desperately grabbed someone else.
      The other small signs were spread out over the week, but they basicly mean that if I don't become poplular and cool (I'll add that I'm a complete nerd, who no-one likes) by Monday, I'll grow up to be a rich and lonely old man who has to hire prostitutes for any romance at all.
      Please help! I don't want to be like that.
        Remember: I am bullied all the time by everyone, I saw a group of girls talking about me after that dance sayin they wouldnt date me, i hav 1 friend, i hav aspberger's so i cant make conversation or be social in any way and i want to break the rules, but no matter how hard i try to, i cant bring myself to do anything against the rules when i'm at school

      The post was edited 2 times, last by Someon ().

    • Re: Help! Please! Need help by Monday 29/Aug/2009

      Faggotry at its best. What happens in school doesn't carry over and has nothing to do with what will happen with your future. YOU have the key that unlocks what your future holds. Not what you aren't able to do, able to do, what hasn't happened or has happened during your school years. But this seems like a troll thread for some odd reason. But....I'll keep on going just in case it isn't.

      No one has to be be pressured to be "cool," and you probably aren't a bad person-unless you are just a complete asshole- then maybe that's why people don't like you?And being a nerd is fun, idk why you are hating being a nerd lol. Do as you wish, after school(idk where you are at, middle or high school) but after middle school there's a chance to change at high school, and if you're in high school right now every new year you have a chance to change your image.

      Smile, buy some nice clothes, try to talk to people-best things to talk about if you don't really know them well is how shitty the class is. Or how great it is, but it's school I don't think there's a "great" class lmao. Then everynow and then maybe talk about a movie you liked and start from there. Aim for friendly and approachable not, "cool" and "popular." If you try to go for the second choice, you'll just look like an idiot trying to hard to be cool.
      [CENTER]Future Rifleman of the Marine Corps!
      Saepius Exertus ||| Semper Fidelis ||| Frater Infinitas
    • Re: Help! Please! Need help by Monday 29/Aug/2009

      It seem like you're trying to be something you're not, and that won't ever work. You need to just relax, and be yourself. Be proud to be you, and be proud to be different. If you try and be something else, then you won't be able to relax and you won't come across as sincere at all.

      You can't just 'become' popular and cool, it doesn't happen like that. If you are yourself, and are open and honest and are friendly, then you will be fine. A lot of the time, the cool people are one's who are good at something, and stand out from everyone else. So maybe taking up a hobby or something that you can excel in isn't a bad idea. It would also give you a chance to make more friends and meet new people.

      Don't put too much pressure on yourself to be cool. It means nothing outside the school gates
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.