High School COnfuzion ! Please help :p

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    • High School COnfuzion ! Please help :p

      IDK what to do to do. Currently I go to a somewhat racist preppy school and I don't find anyone there to be people with whom i would want to have a social life with but I'm 17 and do want a social life. I don't have many goodfriends here and homecoming is approaching. Should I try to find someone from school to go with or is being a "loner" ever a good thing? Btw there is a guy I like very much in one of my classes but I'm not exactly sure how to approach him. Him being a popular white guy and me being a a somewhat popular black girl. Realistically we are in two very different groups but I really want o talk to him. Don't get me wrong I'm not a "nerd " so to speak and am attractive just very lonely in my environment. Any and all advice is appreaciatd. :o
    • Re: High School COnfuzion ! Please help :p

      I would like you to expand a little bit on what you mean about the racism at your school, but aside from that I think that you should try to just be yourself. There's nothing wrong with going to homecoming with just some friends, I did that my sophomore year, I had every intention of doing it this coming year with my senior prom if my best friend hadn't become my boyfriend.

      As far as this guy you like. Just figuring out a way to talk to him would be a good start. There's nothing wrong with being a little bit sneaky there... such as "just happening" to be going the same way he is after class and striking up a conversation in the hallway with none of his friends around to make things awkward.
    • Re: High School COnfuzion ! Please help :p

      There are a few things about your post that don't add up in my head...

      Your school is "somewhat rascist" and you are lonely and have no social life... and yet you are "somewhat popular". I don't really understand that. Doesn't add up...

      As for the whole being a loner thing, no problem with that. If being yourself makes you a bit of a loner, then fine. Who needs a social life anyway? Pfft. Overrated.
    • Re: High School COnfuzion ! Please help :p

      Sorry, I can see where that could be confusing..Well its not that the whole school is racist its the fact that there are alot of groups that i dont fit into.. I dont even have friends to go to the homecoming with soo that would be why i was thinking about talking to the guy. I live in a medium sized city and i just cant think of any ways to meet new people im open to all options..:)