Need some advice...

    • Need some advice...

      So I need some help with a "complicated" and "confusing" situation that I'm having.

      Theres this girl that I met at work a while ago and we just talked at work for a while. A couple weeks later we began hanging out with some friends of ours and I've gotten to know her a lot better, so much so that I think I like her more than just a friend. We talk quite a bit now through the phone and text messages, almost at least every day it seems. And she talks to me more than anyone else in our "group." I never really hang out with her just the two of us aside from work because I im not sure how she would interpret it. But I'm not quite sure if she is interested in me or just considers me a close friend.

      So anyone can help me I would be much appreciative and if you need more information to help just leave a message.
    • Re: Need some advice...

      well, it seems like she doesnt mind being around you, but the question is, would it be okay to be around you alone? Well, you will never know until you give it a try right? There is nothing wrong with asking, ask her in a friendly way and make sure it sound like it wasnt really planned so much...
    • Re: Need some advice...

      You could always try asking her to do something, as the above posters have said.
      Maybe sometime after work you and her could just go do something casual, like get coffee or something. If you think that would be too forward, try going out with her along with some of your other co-workers. [not a ton, keep it minimum so you can also get closer to her without the distractions of a lot of other people].
      If this goes well, you could try then asking her somewhere just the two of you.
      [LEFT] yahh trick.
    • Re: Need some advice...

      At first I thought that she wasn't being particularly nice to you, that she's just a nice sociable person but seeing that its you out of the others in the group she may be interested. Just go for it but not in the slap-bang way if you know what i mean. Depending on how long you've known her just ask her out to somewhere don't make it seem like its an official date but like after work or something suggest that the two of you get a drink.
      Hope I helped.
      [SIZE=5]D0nt Fall For Him Girls, he Wont Catch You... [/SIZE]
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