Bi or Not bi? Million Dollar Question Plz Help

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    • Bi or Not bi? Million Dollar Question Plz Help

      Sooo..lately I've been thinking more and more about girls and (I'm a Girl) Im 16 and I'm not sure what to make of this. I'm not as attracted to boys as i once was and i do have a boyfriend but I think that i need to be aware of my sexuality for our relationship to prosper. I don't know anyone else to talk about this with that will give me a somewhat unbiased answer.;)
    • Re: Bi or Not bi? Million Dollar Question Plz Help

      It's hard to say whether you're bi or not. It could just be a phase you're going through, hormones, wanting to experiment, etc. It seems to me only time will tell.

      In the end does it really matter? If your realtionship with your boyfriend is good, does it make any difference whether you are attracted to girls or not?
      [CENTER]Don't give up on the dream, don't give up on the wanting... and everything that's true.[/CENTER]
    • Re: Bi or Not bi? Million Dollar Question Plz Help

      Ask yourself if this is a question you really need to answer right now.

      It is ridiculous, the amount of time and effort we put into attaching labels to ourselves as stupid as "straight", "lesbian" and "bisexual". So my question to you is: "Does it really matter?" Too many people treat discovering their sexuality as if it take years of deep and reflective soul searching to know for sure. It really doesn't... you like who you like. You might like boys all the time, or girls all the time, or some combination of the two.

      Just accept that your sexual identity will solidify and be more clear to you as you get older, and all the stress you put into it now probably isn't going to speed that up.