You know what? You may just be right

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    • You know what? You may just be right

      I find that the quote friends come and go could not be any truer. sad to say i have none of the friends i started off with when I was a freshman, thve all either backstabbed me or turne out o be fake for some other weird reason I mean c'mon one of my bestfriends stopped talkin to me when I got a new phone that she wanted... whats a girl to doo!?!? anyone else in a similar situation
    • Re: You know what? You may just be right

      the truth is that some kids don't get any dumber than when they're freshman or sophomores. fickle, ignorant, rude, downright mean. it's all one big bundle. try not to let it overwhelm you. you will find friends as time goes on that will stick by you. you can always tell the fake ones from the real ones. you just have to look deep and close.

      don't let it get you down. high school is a ridiculous time for a lot of kids. just don't let yourself become one of them. as time goes on, some will mature and some will remain children. try to be the former instead of the latter.

      "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." [/CENTER]
    • Re: You know what? You may just be right

      Oh yes. I can relate completely here. Most of my 'past' friends come and go constantly. It seems that finding 'true' friends isn't so easy always shamly. :/ You may find true friends at your school though, most people seem to make at least one new friend when they start a new group. To be honest i've lost most my school friends and have had truer friends since i began college.
    • Re: You know what? You may just be right

      It's a shame, I've had many friends who've drifted apart, but that's life I'm afraid.
      The upside is, you can always make new friends :)
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]we each owe a death, [/SIZE][SIZE=3]there are no exceptions ,[/SIZE][SIZE=3]but sometimes, oh god, [/SIZE][/RIGHT]
      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]the green mile seems so long.[/SIZE][/RIGHT]
    • Re: You know what? You may just be right

      Hi :)
      As people get older, they start to slowly develop into the person that they are going to grow up to be, it's a way of life. Friends really do come and go in these years of your life, because you and they are trying new and different things, and you need to work out what kind of person best suits you.

      In time you will find the right friends who will stick by you properly, and they will be the right kind of people, compatible with your personality etc. You can't be friends with the wrong people, and in this time in life, you'll be gaining and losing a lot of friends. When you get a little older, you'll gt more permenant friends who you can stick with, trust me.

      Good luck :)

      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: You know what? You may just be right

      It's very rare to find you keep the same friends all the way through school, college and university. People change, move on, and as people get older, they also sometimes grow up to be slightly different. It's not their 'fault', as such, it's just the way they are. And then you, as you get older, decide if they're still the kind of people you want to hang out with or not.

      I would avoid those who sulk, and especially stop talking to you just because you get a new phone. You don't need people like that around you.

      Try and find some more mature friends, who will support you, and not knock you down. I am sure there are others there who would love, and be proud to have you as their friend
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.