Need some advice, please.

    • Need some advice, please.

      So, I asked my mom why I don't get any privileges. She said the only reason my brother has privileges is because he has a job so he shows responsibility. Well, alright. I show her plenty of repsonsibilty..and this is exactly what I told her...I get A's and B's in school, I don't go party, I clean house and help take care of my 2 year old brother, I show plenty of responsibilty. And as far as a job, i'm 17, i've tried to get a job, i've applied pretty much everywhere and then to find out she doesn't want me to have a job senior year. She gives me no credit for how responsible I am right now and wont give me a chance to show her any further responsibility.

      Then she's because you're a girl. IT'S BECAUSE i'M A GiRL. That is SEXIST,and what's sad is against her own sex. So, basically, no matter how responsible I am I can't go out anywhere or do anything, no privileges at all because i'm a girl. She said the world is mean and if I go out and something were to happen then I can't stand up for myself and guys can take care of themselves better. I asked her if she really thought that was fair and she said, yes, that's the way it is. She said I need to get into reality. She's afraid of the world so she holds me back. I don't know what to do, I can't talk to her b/c she thinks what she wants to think. I feel there is nothing I can do to make her feel any different. Does anyone have any suggestions?
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      Ok, you need to realize (I know it was at least hard for me ) that you need to see shit from your parents point of view. Imagine (just an example) of you going to work when some guys start messing w/you. Think how ur mom would feel about her choice of letting you work. Maybe ask your mom to make a list of all the reasons she wont let you go, and make solutions. Like for ex. the part where you're "just a girl" you can suggest working (or at least going to work) with some friends or another adult (or maybe even ur brother). Try not to get ur dad involved because it just creates tension (even if he does convince ur mom) in the family.
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      well, the girl thing is silly, I've been there too. Girls are considered "defenseless" so you could be raped or come home preg or something.

      You should start showing her how responsible you are, with or without her consent. If you do a really good thing, it shouldn't go unnoticed. Also, if you can show her you can take care of yourself or take some types of precautions that "b/c you're a girl" thing should go away.
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      I do try to see things from their point of view, but she never tries to understand me in return. Sure, I understand that bad things an happen, like you said a guy could start messing with me. Things like this will always happen, and it's no reason for me to hide out, because that's life. She has to let go sooner or later. My dad definetely wont get involved because my parents are divorced and I havn't seen him in years.

      I don't think it's right that girls are considered defenseless, but I guess that's just the way it is. I've done everything I can to show her how responsible I am, it seems nothing is enough. Another issue is she simply doesn't trust me, i've given her no reason for her to believe that she can't trust me. I think she's just going to have to overtime.
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      Phuck Buddy wrote:

      your mom needs more sex. than she wouldn't be so bitchy all the time.

      haha..o my god.. that`s not the i have one question.. mm but i don`t know how i can explain in english what i want to ask you.. in my country we have evening time when you have to go home..have you got something same like our evening time for going home..?
      is something like this is your main problem with your mother, because here exactly this is our main problem with our mothers :)i hope i could tell you what i thought and excuse me if i make some grammar mistakes.. :o :love1:
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      She is afraid of letting you out into the 'real world'
      Okay, you are seventeen, you ARE in the real world basically.
      She needs to learn that you are mature enough to handle yourself,
      and after this school year, you will be in college, on your own, free to make decisions YOURSELF.
      I would just let her know, that you aren't a little girl, and you deserve privalages just like any other teenager.
      She has to let you go someway or another.
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      I tried to talk to her about it. I always try to talk to her about the way I feel but she blows me off. Yesterday I tried and she told me to f*ck off and that I don't know when to shut up. She says i'm "nuts" in the head and need help. I don't understand why she just wont talk to me. She says that she already knows she won't agree with anything I say and that she's not willing to compromise.
    • Re: Need some advice, please.

      crazybeautiful1789 wrote:

      I tried to talk to her about it. I always try to talk to her about the way I feel but she blows me off. Yesterday I tried and she told me to f*ck off and that I don't know when to shut up. She says i'm "nuts" in the head and need help. I don't understand why she just wont talk to me. She says that she already knows she won't agree with anything I say and that she's not willing to compromise.

      It looks like she's pretty fucking set on her conceited, closed-minded opinion then.

      I don't have any advice to give. Sorry.

      What I would do is be a rebel about the whole thing and do something to piss her off, but I don't consider what I would do advice.