Being Less Self-conscious and Shy

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    • Being Less Self-conscious and Shy

      Problem here? 4
        Yes (4) 100%
        Quit whining (0) 0%
      Hey everyone,

      My first issue here is that I'm really self-conscious in public settings... I try to get out of or avoid places where people can see me. For example, at school; when the next class starts I walk faster than Comcast high-speed internet. But... when I get home I look in the mirror and say you don't look that bad. A little more than a few people compliment my looks and say I look like Joe Jonas (lol, srsly?) and it really mellows me out at the moment, but soon after I have a really light panic attack.

      My second issue is my shyness. When I'm around people I don't know, even in a private setting, I feel very uncomfortable. Unless I'm around a group where the majority are my friends I try to evacuate as soon as possible. Also, when someone comes up to me whom I don't know it gets very awkward... Well, at least that's how I feel. I look at their expressions and they look fine.

      Am I just stupid or what? Thank you so much for replying in advance.
    • Re: Being Less Self-conscious and Shy

      You look like Joe Jonas eh? I get that alot too, even after moving to Brazil :P

      When I was younger, I used to be really shy, and again, self conscious and had almost no friends. Shyness is in my opinion one of the worst attributes a person has to overcome, because it can affect many aspects of your life.
      Focus on overcoming your shyness and really, you would be much less self-concious. It will be hard, but you can do it.
      and then
    • Re: Being Less Self-conscious and Shy

      recondinent wrote:

      You look like Joe Jonas eh? I get that alot too, even after moving to Brazil :P

      When I was younger, I used to be really shy, and again, self conscious and had almost no friends. Shyness is in my opinion one of the worst attributes a person has to overcome, because it can affect many aspects of your life.
      Focus on overcoming your shyness and really, you would be much less self-concious. It will be hard, but you can do it.

      Thank you for posting... but how would I get over shyness anyways?
    • Re: Being Less Self-conscious and Shy


      I voted that yes it's a problem. However it's not a problem that you'll have to live with forever. Usually people just naturally grow out of being shy, like I did. I was very shy in middle school, but now I talk to just about anyone. You just have to learn to realize that people are typically nice, and aren't out to judge you. I think that's where the root of shyness comes from; you're worried about what other people think. As long as you're nice and kind to people, then they won't think negatively about you. Getting over being shy comes as more of a realization of what I just said. It's something that you have to break through to get over.

      As for being self conscious, if you look like a Jonas brother, then I don't think you should have anything to worry about. I used to think I was super ugly and gross until I realized just recently that I am pretty good looking. Like I said before, these things come as a realization, and that's basically all there is to it. When people tell you you're attractive, they're not lying just to make you feel better 99% of the time.
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: Being Less Self-conscious and Shy

      untouchable wrote:

      I know just how you feel, this sounds scarily like me apart from the Joe Jonas part :D


      TheyreJustSpies wrote:


      I voted that yes it's a problem. However it's not a problem that you'll have to live with forever. Usually people just naturally grow out of being shy, like I did. I was very shy in middle school, but now I talk to just about anyone. You just have to learn to realize that people are typically nice, and aren't out to judge you. I think that's where the root of shyness comes from; you're worried about what other people think. As long as you're nice and kind to people, then they won't think negatively about you. Getting over being shy comes as more of a realization of what I just said. It's something that you have to break through to get over.

      As for being self conscious, if you look like a Jonas brother, then I don't think you should have anything to worry about. I used to think I was super ugly and gross until I realized just recently that I am pretty good looking. Like I said before, these things come as a realization, and that's basically all there is to it. When people tell you you're attractive, they're not lying just to make you feel better 99% of the time.

      Thanks for that :). I hope I grow out of it before the last two years of high school are up.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Ashes226 ().