Im lonley!!!

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    • Im lonley!!!

      ok, so last night i got really emotional because my phone doesnt work and i started a whole tangent to myself about how my phone is like my best friend and my whole life is on that phone. I have all my favorite pictures, all my favorite music, all my favorite videos and etc on there but now my phone doesnt work and it seems like i just have to deal with the world head on. In a way, my phone has been my getaway from the real world of issues and etc but now that my phone is gone, i have no escape. Im trying to get a new phone but i only have $60 and i cant get a decent phone for that money. Also, the phone has to be able to take M2 memory cards because only certain phones take them. so anyway, i just got really emotional and depressed and i started crying and hugging my pillow because i fealt so lonley. does anyone have any suggestions for me??? also, my parents dont really help the situation at all. They just want to continue to push me to be the best but ive given up years ago. It hit me last night as i was crying into my pillow that i probably have a learning disability and i really need some help. I started yelling "help me help me" (to myself because it was like 12:00 in the morning). but yeah, i really need to talk to a shrink or something because last night i came really close to thinking about suicide. I really HATE my life. HELP ME PLEASE :( :( :(
      iLikeTurtles! :o
    • Re: Im lonley!!!

      It's a phone. And I'm highly doubtful you have a learning disability.

      Look, here's how it goes. Your phone is gone. Did you lose your friends? No. Did you lose your memories? No. Have you suddenly become grotesque? No.

      So what changed? the methods of contact available to you. Obviously you have internet access. IM or email your friends. Store pictures on the computer. Send someone an actual letter.

      Losing your phone isn't the end of the world.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs
    • Re: Im lonley!!!

      you guys dont understand... my phone has ALL my memories on it!!! my music which i love, my pictures of everything because i love taking pictures and all my media stuff like that. Its hard not to have my favorite music in my pocket all day. im just saying... its really hard to deal. im trying my hardest to get my mom to take me to walmart or something so i can get a new phone. if i can get a new phone, my life will continue...sort of
      iLikeTurtles! :o
    • Re: Im lonley!!!

      JustaBoy wrote:

      you guys dont understand... my phone has ALL my memories on it!!! my music which i love, my pictures of everything because i love taking pictures and all my media stuff like that. Its hard not to have my favorite music in my pocket all day. im just saying... its really hard to deal. im trying my hardest to get my mom to take me to walmart or something so i can get a new phone. if i can get a new phone, my life will continue...sort of

      yeah most people's personal computers have all the same stuff on it too, pictures, music, there instant messenger to talk with friends

      Hell yeah if my PC was screwed id be upset, its happened before when my hard drive let go, lost everything, yeah it sucks but its not the anti-christ

      This is one of those times where 'you need to get out there' actally applies without being a bitchy chick trying to push somebodies buttons

      When you risk your life for a living it gives you a more black and white way of looking at things so im sorry
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]

      The post was edited 1 time, last by ben101 ().

    • Re: Im lonley!!!

      JustaBoy wrote:

      you guys dont understand... my phone has ALL my memories on it!!! my music which i love, my pictures of everything because i love taking pictures and all my media stuff like that. Its hard not to have my favorite music in my pocket all day. im just saying... its really hard to deal. im trying my hardest to get my mom to take me to walmart or something so i can get a new phone. if i can get a new phone, my life will continue...sort of

      So your brain simply doesn't exist? You have memories.

      You're making a big deal out of nothing.
      Love it when you call me Legs
      In the morning, buy me eggs