So this is getting to be a problem

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    • So this is getting to be a problem

      I'm a 15, almost 16 year old girl and I've haven't had a boyfriend since the seventh grade, which hardly counts. I've not been kissed, and it's not like I'm dying to have a boyfriend, I'm just sick of being so inexperienced. I go to a pretty small school so I don't know many guys, and I try to do things outside of school to meet people, but the thing is I hate flirting. a lot. So I don't do it, which I guess makes guys pay less attention to me? It'd just be nice to get a little recognition.
      I'm really sick of it. I know I'm not ugly, I just have really bad social skills I guess.
      Any suggestions for improving them? Or even just for meeting people who like girls with personality, not girls who can flirt. :confused:
    • Re: So this is getting to be a problem

      It's hard for guys to recognize girls if they aren't showing a level of interest (i.e. flirting). If you're not the type to flirt or if you just don't like doing it, then it's going to be a little bit difficult for you - I'm not gonna lie.

      You should, however, put yourself out there a little bit more and be more social, as difficult as that may be. If you're not a confident person, then it's probably asking a lot for you to just walk up to someone and introduce yourself, I know. But just know that if you want to find someone who's into your personality, then you're going to have to be more confident and meet new people. Be yourself, though, okay? Don't be one of those generic girls/guys who will do anything to satisfy the interests of other people - just be yourself.

      Good luck!
      [CENTER]You bitches are beautiful. :hugs:[/CENTER]
    • Re: So this is getting to be a problem

      I don't think you should look for one, or change yourself to attract any boys. Let them come to you, you shouldn't force it. Don't change yourself because you want a boyfriend. If you think your social skills really need improving because you're too reserved or something, well that's fine be more open and friendly if you think you should but not for the sake of finding a guy.