In love with my best friend

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    • In love with my best friend

      Basically, I'm in love with my best friend but he's not in love with me. We have a lot of history. Things have happened. We've hardly spoken to each other in 2 years but for some reason we've become really close again this year. I suppose he thinks I'm over him, and I thought I was too... but I've never stopped loving him. I thought that I wasn't in love with him anymore but I guess I was wrong. Since he is my best friend, there isn't really anyone I can talk to this about. I'm confused. He makes me so happy... but it hurts me when he tells me about his latest crush... or how pretty another girl is... or when he's so nice to me. What's worse is that he likes innocent flirting. He does it to me sometimes and it hurts because first of all I know he doesn't mean anything by it, and second of all I can't help but to have hope that one day he'll love me back. What do I do?:confused:
    • Re: In love with my best friend

      I've known my best friend for more than ten years. The day he told me that he wanted a relationship with me, I was knocked for a loop unlike anything that had happened to me in my life. In so many ways, being romantically involved with your best friend is much harder than with anyone else, in some ways it's easier.

      From the day he told me, it took me more than a year to return his feelings. At first I thought it was because I didn't like him back, but that was really just a line of bull I was feeding myself to cover up the real reason: I was scared. I didn't just like him back a little bit, I absolutely adored everything about him... but he was my best friend and I didn't want to risk screwing up what he had. More than a year passed before I realized that it was worth taking the chance just in chase he really was "the one".

      It turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

      The point is that you don't know what's going on in his head right now. You can't trust anything, including what he says about it. It's very possible that he might return your feelings one day, and then again he might not. The big question is whether or not you decide to wait for him. If you do, you could be in for a long disappointment. If you don't, then you might be in a relationship when he suddenly decides that he likes you back. Either way poses certain problems. In the end, only you can make the right decision for you.
    • Re: In love with my best friend

      Jenna goaded me into logging on and posting to this :rolleyes:

      I understand what you are going through, and it is severely not fun. When Jenna first told me that she didn't like me back, my world just seemed to crumble apart in front of me. I had spent weeks trying to figure out exactly when and how I was going to tell her and I really thought that she was going to tell me she liked me back. when she didn't, I spent the next week just stunned.

      I made one decision pretty quick after that. I decided I wasn't going to hide my feelings. I didn't spend all my time following her around trying to make her change her mind, even if that worked it wouldn't have been what I wanted. It was more of an act of emotional martyrdom. I decided that being alone and depressed was more appealing than moving on. So I did. Jenna knew that I was there if she changed her mind, but I never tried to push her. It wasn't easy - that was one long fucking year. But here we are.

      It's never really over until you decide it's over. If you want to keep chasing this guy, you can do it best by just being his friend. It's cool to let him know in subtle ways you are interested, but don't overdo that. There is a blurry line between making sure he knows and cramming it down his throat.

      Just be a good friend and watch for signs that he might be liking you back.

      Shute;2172895 wrote:

      You are in the classic suck position.
    • Re: In love with my best friend

      I fully empathise with your situation. I know it must be really hard for you to deal with this. And I think just about everyone has experienced something very much like this in their life. I have experienced something like this before, and in fact, it was the subject of my first ever posts on here =] It hurts, because in your mind and heart, you really think you could be happy together, as a couple, but the other person just doesn't see it - or doesn't feel exactly the same way.

      Teen Life Q & A - How Do I Make Him Love Me?

      I have posted the link above as it's a question that had been sent in on the Teen Life site, and the question is very similar to what you're going through. I think the answer is good, and it should help you in some way to deal with what you're going through. Obviously, we're all different and we all deal with things in different ways, so it's presenting you with some options at least.

      You have 2 clear choices in my opinion:

      1/ Stick around being his friend, in the hope that something changes and he eventually does like you and want to be with you in that way
      2/ Move on, and find someone who does like you back

      There is a third option, and that is to remain friends but also keep an eye out for people who you like. I don't think it's healthy to put your life on hold, just on the offchance that he may change his mind. I think you need to accept that it might happen, it might not happen. But, if you stay friends, at least there's a chance he may change his mind one day.

      Of course the other way to look at it is this - Sometimes, if you're hanging around and putting your life on hold for someone, they don't see it. But if you actually do move on a little, and get with someone else, sometimes it hits them. They get jealous, or they suddenly see that someone else is close to you. Now, I am not suggesting you get with someone just to make your friend jealous. All I am saying is, it's not sometimes a bad thing to make him see you're getting on with your life, and not waiting around.
      [SIZE=2]Aaron - [/SIZE][SIZE=2]Support Leader[/SIZE] :kiss:

      Saradactyl;2086538 wrote:

      Haha, Aaron. I wuv youuuu.