Pandemic Swine Flu Information MUST READ

  • Pandemic Swine Flu Information MUST READ

    I'm currently working for the Boots Swine Flu Team and want to give you information on the symptoms of swine flu, and what to do if you think you've got it.

    Swine flu is just like normal flu, carries many of the same symptoms. The two main symptoms of Swine Flu are a sudden fever (a body temperature of 38 degrees Celsius/ 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or above) and a sudden cough. Other symptoms often include headache, sore throat, tiredness, runny nose, chills, sneezing, aching muscles, loss of apitite, limb or joint pain, and diarrhea or stomach upset.

    If you or a loved one are showing any two or more of the symptoms above,
    please DO NOT go to the doctors.
    Phone the National Swine flu Pendemic Serivce on 0800 15 13 513 or visit the governments pandemic flu website. They'll asses your symptoms and let you know if you've got Swine Flu and let you know what to do next.

    I hope you found this informative.

  • Re: Pandemic Swine Flu Information MUST READ

    Oh look, all the symptoms of a common illness. I'm terrified. I'm going to catch the swine flu sometime soon in order for my cells to devour it and become stronger. Silly swine flu. Oink oink.
    [CENTER][SIZE=4]Chivalry isn't dead. It's just being a really good ninja.[/SIZE]
  • Re: Pandemic Swine Flu Information MUST READ

    im also working with Boots,

    To try and avoid swine flu, do simple things like wash your hands more often, carry a handkercheif or tissues. don't share stuff liek make-up or lipsticks, and dont pass phones around,( all those people breathing on it!!) .

    ABOVE ALL!! stay away from anyone that has swine flu! and people who have recently had it.

    Hope none of you catch it!!