Not Trust-worthy?

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    • Not Trust-worthy?

      Well, as my life goes on i felt like having to tell someone, so here you go teenhut.

      I'm really down, because my group in school (work-related) don't trust me, they keep telling me that's it's just because i am the way i am, but they can't or maybe won't tell me why.
      It's really depressing, but i'm brave and fights on like nothing...
      Later the very same day (that being tuesday) i ask my friend if she thinks she can trust me, and she gives me a dead-serious no, without asking questions or a bit of sarcasm...

      I don't know why, but appearently nobody trust me, i don't know why, and nobody feels like confiding in me about WHY it is.

      Well i can say i do at least feel a bit better now....
      It's nice to talk to someone about it :)
      If you hate the lion king you don't deserve a hug:punch:…r-stock-picture-158516283
    • Re: Not Trust-worthy?

      I don't know you, but I've found that some people just cannot be trusted. It's in their nature. Have you ever heard the story of the scorpion and the frog? Other people are very good at detecting and weeding out those who's nature it is to be untrustworthy. I know people like that, and I know I can't trust them. Personally, I am a very trustworthy person, mostly with secrets and advice. My friends know it, that's why many of them come to me for advice or to just vent, because they know their secrets will die with me.

      Not everyone possesses this kind of discipline and maturity. You seem to be one of those people. Trust has to be earned, and its not an overnight process. Being a person who has worked very hard to be mature and trustworthy, and a person who has been betrayed by those I thought I trusted, I feel absolutely no sympathy for you.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by bad news ().

    • Re: Not Trust-worthy?

      bad news wrote:

      I don't know you, but I've found that some people just cannot be trusted. It's in their nature. Have you ever heard the story of the scorpion and the frog? Other people are very good at detecting and weeding out those who's nature it is to be untrustworthy. I know people like that, and I know I can't trust them. Personally, I am a very trustworthy person, mostly with secrets and advice. My friends know it, that's why many of them come to me for advice or to just vent, because they know their secrets will die with me.

      Not everyone possesses this kind of discipline and maturity. You seem to be one of those people. Trust has to be earned, and its not an overnight process. Being a person who has worked very hard to be mature and trustworthy, and a person who has been betrayed by those I thought I trusted, I feel absolutely no sympathy for you.

      WHY THANKS! - It's just a little over a months since i actually needed that...
      Wanna know something? - It figures i just seemed depressed and they thought i would just rat off to anyone to get a bit of accept at that time...
      Ironic huh?
      - Oh and the thing about calling me immature... Honestly don't like that....
      so stop doing that -.-
      And another comment, i haven't revealed 1 of their secrets... EVER! and it won't happen either... -.-
      If you hate the lion king you don't deserve a hug:punch:…r-stock-picture-158516283
    • Re: Not Trust-worthy?

      Vulpe wrote:

      WHY THANKS! - It's just a little over a months since i actually needed that...
      Wanna know something? - It figures i just seemed depressed and they thought i would just rat off to anyone to get a bit of accept at that time...
      Ironic huh?
      - Oh and the thing about calling me immature... Honestly don't like that....
      so stop doing that -.-
      And another comment, i haven't revealed 1 of their secrets... EVER! and it won't happen either... -.-

      So does that mean that things are ok now cos if they are than thats great. It's pretty mean what that other guy said about you calling you immuture and stuff.
    • Re: Not Trust-worthy?

      Vulpe wrote:

      WHY THANKS! - It's just a little over a months since i actually needed that...
      Wanna know something? - It figures i just seemed depressed and they thought i would just rat off to anyone to get a bit of accept at that time...
      Ironic huh?
      - Oh and the thing about calling me immature... Honestly don't like that....
      so stop doing that -.-
      And another comment, i haven't revealed 1 of their secrets... EVER! and it won't happen either... -.-

      Something's gotta give, buddy, and I get the feeling you're not the perfect trustworthy angel that you paint yourself to be. I'm not calling you immature, if you would actually read carefully you'll see that I said you seem immature. If you were a trustworthy person, people would trust you. I know how much it hurts to have though you could trust someone when you really could not. If none of your friends trust (or trusted) you then they had a good reason not to. And personally, there is no person I despise more (besides a serial rapist) than a person who cannot be trusted. They only exist to make your life miserable.

      Maybe you are one of these people, maybe you are not. Trust is one of the most sacred promises you can make to another. Breaking someone's trust makes me sick, and something tells me you aren't the poor and unjustly treated little angel that you think you are.

      lil_nicky wrote:

      So does that mean that things are ok now cos if they are than thats great. It's pretty mean what that other guy said about you calling you immuture and stuff.

      Excuse me while I go call the waaaambulance.
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by bad news ().