Scared of Tomorro and Nobody Cares

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    • Scared of Tomorro and Nobody Cares

      Well, my life is pretty much done. Yesterday I had an extremely embarrasing problem, and I posted a thread about it in the Teen Sexuality section. Thought maybe somebody would care and help me out a little bit, but it turns out I will just get laughed at and insulted. There's nobody else I can tell that would care, and ontop of all of that, I do not want to face tomorro because of the incident. I will probably get teased, put down and beat up. Also I will never have a reputation again, which means no more friends, ever, and no girl friend, ever. I may as well take the cowards way out.
    • Re: Scared of Tomorro and Nobody Cares

      So you're trying to tell me you have no family? That your entire family hates you? I don't wanna hear it. Because every single person on this Earth has someone who cares about them. The things that get spread around in high school are not going to follow you for the rest of your life, and if they happen to, just claim you were drunk. People seem to get away with that sort of thing when they're drunk.
    • Re: Scared of Tomorro and Nobody Cares

      Hey buddy , we're in the sam place British Columbia . I'm in Vancouver. ^^
      Don't worry buddy , everything will fade away . After laughing the whole day , people will forget it all . This may be a lesson for u . Don't let love blind ur eyes !
      [CENTER][SIZE=2]TommyBriggs [/SIZE][/CENTER]
    • Re: Scared of Tomorro and Nobody Cares

      they will get bored of this pretty quick, trust me, i went to a rich snobs school and didnt exactly fit in, all my friends went to the public school down the road. i got my fair share of stupid rumours, non of which were true, but i got shit for them, they always got bored of it after about a week or so, it'd probably have gone away faster than that except for the fact i had a short temper and people would piss me off just to get a reaction, i dont see the logic in getting your ass kicked so your friends can laugh at you for you trying to laugh at someone else but w/e, thats basicaly what happened. there was maybe 5 cool fella's in that entire school.... my kids are NOT going to private or grammar school no matter how smart they are, lol.

      seriously though, just get on with it, they will get bored of it, like i said in the other thread, ive known people whove done things as bad as this and they got a bit of stick for it and nothing else. just ignore everyone, theyll get bored and go away.

      oh and seriously, just grog her one. i cant believe your not getting revenge man....