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    • okay. i'll start from the beginning.

      basically, i'm in love with my best friend. we've fought about this before because he didn't love me back.

      i sort of stayed away from him for about two years and now we're seniors in high school already and we suddenly became really close again.

      the new problem is that he's become really close to one of my best friends.

      i used to think i was just being paranoid and jealous but the way he acts around her... it's different than how he treats other people... he cares about her. a LOT.

      and he goes out of his way to find her and talk to her or even just to be with her.

      i know i have no right to, but i'm kind of starting to hate her for it because she knows we have history but she didn't think of that at all.

      i'm starting to get mad at him too... because i feel like he keeps telling me he loves me (as a friend) and i'm so important to him but he doesn't mean it.

      i don't want to hate them because they're still my friends but this is killing me.

      what do i do???:(
    • Re: Help!!!

      Falasta wrote:

      Talk with your friend on the situation, tell her how you feel about it. As for the male counterpart, you cant really make him love you. Ive been in similiar situations, but I catch myself before jealousy hits me and always discuss it with them.

      I've thought about that but i know that the only way i'd feel better about this is if they stopped being so close. that's not exactly something i can ask them to do... they're my friends. i know they're happy and i don't want to cause more drama.