Help with weight loss

    • Help with weight loss

      Hey guys, I recently decided I was going to lose a bit of weight since I've put on due to having to leave my football team. (Moved house)

      So I was wondering, if I want to lose weight (Around the stomach area) What are the best ways to do it, for instance;

      1 Would biking for around an hour be good, and how many calories would it burn?
      2 Which foods to avoid
      3 How many hours of excercise I would have to do a week
      4 How much could I lose in a week?
      5 Would sit ups and press ups help?

      Thanks for any answers, hope the above makes sense, I'm typing on my iPhone.

      Thanks again. ;)
    • Re: Help with weight loss

      Hey Andy, hows it going?

      Losing weight is usually a full body thing, it's very hard, if not impossible to spot lose ( meaning lose weight around your stomach area only). But, there's no problem there, just lose weight and get leaner all over the place, right? Sounds like a good plan to me!

      First, biking. Biking is primarily a leg exercise and abdominal (kind of) but the main focus is on the legs. Now, don't get me wrong biking does provide a good cardio workout if done properly and it doesn't put as much strain on your legs as running does. But then again it's not as good of a cardio and full body workout as running is. So if you wanna lose weight all over, get your endurance up and just generally tone up I would say go with running over biking, but, if you can't run for some reason, or don't like running, then biking is a decent choice to.

      But! Biking for an hour is not really needed, unless you want to. Instead, bike at a good pace for a half hour or so, try and throw some hills or rocky terrain in there to.

      Second, foods. The foods you eat are going to be the biggest part of losing weight. Technically, you could cut out the bad foods and not workout at all and lose the weight you wanna lose. But, working out is very good for you in many different ways and will aid in the process, so don't cut it out. But, back to foods, basically cut out the junk foods ( like fast foods, chips, soda, etc. ) although their tasty, their not nutritious, at all. I could go into a lot of detail with this one, but basically just cut out the junk foods. For example, don't fry the chicken, don't get a soda with a meal, don't get mayo on the sandwich, load up the veggies, get fruit instead of fries, skip dessert, cook instead of eating out ( cooking your own food will almost 'always' be healthier then eating out, even if you do bust out the fried chicken )

      As far as how many hours you have to workout a week, there really is no standard time for this. If your just starting out, or even if your not, I would say just do a 3 day split, meaning workout monday, wensday and friday, then resting the other days. That will provide a good source of weekly exercise, without over doing it. But, if you wanna do more by all means do more, but always allow yourself at least a day of complete rest each week.

      For example:
      Monday - 30/45 minute fast walk, run or bike at a good pace
      Wensday - 30/45 minute fast walk, run or bike at good pace
      Friday - 30/45 minute fast walk, run or bike at a good pace

      Then, if you want, after your cardio workout each day, you could throw a full body workout in there, for example:

      Pushups - 20
      Squats - 20
      Jumps - 15
      Situps - 20
      Lunges - 20
      Pushups - 20

      Try doing three sets of this when you do it, so go through the whole thing three times, if you can, if not do what you can and work your way up. Also, this is a pretty basic workout, so feel free to throw some stuff in there. But remember, this will be on top of a run, walk or bike.

      How much weight you can lose in a week is all up to you, how well you follow your workout plan, how well you stay on your diet, how much you eat, how active you are, etc etc. The possibilities are endless, you could lose anything from 1 pound to 10. But don't rush it, fast weight loss isn't always healthy.

      As far as the exercises go, I would stick to full body and multi-muscle group exercises such as pushups, squats, lunges, jumps, etc. Not only will they provide strength and endurance, combining them into a circuit workout, like the one I gave you above will give you a good cardio workout at the same time. Who ever said guys couldn't multi task? =)

      So, the answer to your last question is yes.

      Hope this helps ya Andy and good luck with your weight loss.

      " It's not about how hard you can hit..
      .. It's about how hard you can get hit, and get back up!"
    • Re: Help with weight loss

      BigMan89 Know what he's on about.

      Although, drink plenty of water, a gallon a day is good.
      Drop out carbohydrates, cut right back on bread, pasta rice, sugar, oats.
      This will force your body to burn the dietary fats you have for fuel and thus you burn more fat than you do muscle.

      Also on the weight thing, I strongly suggest ignoring scales entirely, insted take a picture or two a week, along with your measurements every foughtnight. Too many people get hung up on weight alone. Even with a calorie defficient diet you will gain some muscle from the increased excercise so weight will not be a good indicator if progress.

      jordan132;1506655 wrote:

      when i joined guys privacy i figured there would be nothing here except a hole in the wall to peak into the girls privacy
    • Re: Help with weight loss

      everybody is pretty much right.

      things to defintley do if you want to lose weight:
      -avoid carbs; dont cut them out completly just limit them; remember:some carbs are good, starchy foods=bad; if your going to eat carbs/bread eat whole grain its much better for you

      -drink lots of water. not only does this keep you full but with a workout regime involved you will need to stay hydrated

      -ignore whatever that scale reads. my 6th grade gym teacher was the first person to ever tell this to me & i have followed it ever since. so by measurements or better yet go by sizes. (great way to do this: buy a pair of pants 1 size too small-nothing too pricey or anthing-make it your personal goal to fit in those pants by a certain date)

      good luck!!!
    • Re: Help with weight loss

      agreed with what everyone has said, and id stay away from the scales trying to loose weight, my buddy is trying to loose alot of fat at the moment, he looks alot thinner than he did several months ago, but still weighs basicaly the same, 207 pounds. He has put on alot of muscle mass while dropping off the fat so as far as the scales are concerned he hasnt done anything but he is clearly thinner, he still has a beer belly but he is no longer pear shaped, his waist is definaetly narrower than his chest.

      (hes alot lighter than when he was 14 though, he was 230 pounds at 14, played prop at a really high level purely because he was so huge, 100 pound 14 year olds have a hard time stopping someone twice their size basically)

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Sharkbait ().

    • Re: Help with weight loss

      First thing is first, forget everything you think you know about weight loss.

      Here is the single secret to weight loss:

      You need to burn more calories than you consume.

      To lose 'weight' you simply need to eat less. To lose 'fat' instead of 'weight' you need to lift weights, increase protien, only lose weight at a rate of 2 lbs a week, eat right and drink plenty of water (Gallon a day, atleast).

      Cutting carbs works because carbs are normally water weight and bread products/sugar products which people normally connect to carbs are filled with calories. But veggies are filled with carbs as well.

      I can give general advice BUT it depends how much you want to lose. For Obese/overweight I suggest calorie cycling. For moderate to lean I suggest cycling. For those with 12% body fat or less I suggest carb cycling but eating 'clean' which essentially means lean meat, low fat, veggies, and zero junk.

      Exercise is about 30% of this puzzle, while food/diet is 60%. Exercise is used to burn calories, maintain muscle, and it helps with body composition for the obese. When you have a lot of fat you will lose fat/weight quick, and can have 'lose' skin. Although skin eventually adapts and if your not exteremly overweight the theory of lose skin is a myth, replacing fat with muscle makes you look better and has endless advantages.

      Cardio? I dont advise it. The theories of cardio are diverse, but here are the basics:

      -Increases motabolism for a short time
      -Burn calories 'quick'
      -If down for a short time actually burns more muscle than fat
      -HIIT (Interval training) burns fat quickist
      -Cardio is minimalistic in terms of body composition
      -It takes 30 minutes of low intensity to get into the 'fat burning' zone

      Weight lifting or resistance movement has the following theories:

      -Creates a long lasting motab increase
      -Muscle burns more calories than fat
      -burns little calories directly
      -Can get zero results if not handled correctly
      -Requires a calorie surplus to gain muscle

      I do not suggest cardio because building muscle is more beneficial in the long term. Cardio does blast fat, but without a solid foundation you can look skinny fat and burn muscle in the process.

      Still, its about numbers. Cardio burns more so it is fine, but not my first idea for weight loss.

      To answer your questions now, :P

      1. Good is relative. If you get heart rate up it will burn a good amount of calories. But pace, intensity, your size, conditions of the weather, ect determine calories burned. Without more info I cant tell you if it burns so many calories. But, HIIT is better.
      2. This depends on your body and your goals. Some people react negatively to carbs, caffine, fats, protien, ect. In general, anything processed is bad, anything natural is good. Organic is not natural. Natural are things not made by a company. Ex: Chicken, Beef, Pork, Shrimp, Rice, Veggies, ect.
      3. If you have a calorie deficit you dont need to exercise. But I would lift 30 minutes or more a day to keep muscle, and do cardio (HIIT or low resistance) for atleast an hour.
      4. I have lost an lb a day when I ate 1200 a day, did MMA and ran 12 miles a night. So 7 lbs a week. If you eat less than that and do more, and your body is not genetically disposed to being fat (Three body types exist, some lose easily. I gain easily, have a slow thyroid and motab, and my body holds onto fat. This is the 10% besides Diet and exercise) you can lose an unlimited amount of weight. Although, I lost a LOT of water and muscle when I lost an lb a day. ITT: You get out of this what you put in.
      5. Sure. Any exercise will help. But you have better options.
      2 Months. 50 + Pounds. Learned to box. Run's 12 miles a day. Read 3 self help books. All for under $500. A new me? Worth it.
    • Re: Help with weight loss

      I'm 15. But i basicly know everything about loosing weight.
      (this hasnt been copyd its just what i have learnt over the years ;)
      The easiest way to loose weight:

      Always eat breakfast.
      make sure it is high in fibre (fibre helps you digest faster and increases your metalobism), natural cereal or porrige ect.
      (Don't eat/ eat little white bread! Pasta, Potatoe, anything high in carbohydrates.. nono)
      If you want to loose weight QUICKLY you cant.
      Eat pleanty of fruit and veg (exept banannas, mushrooms and potatoes).

      Drink 2 glasses of water and a piece of fruit BEFORE your meal.
      This will help fill you up quicker.

      If you get hungry easy
      {this sounds discusting}
      Eat a piece of brown bread with vinegar.
      this will keep you full for 2 hours.
      1 piece of brown bread without vinegar keeps you full for max 20mins.

      eat after 7oclock.
      Drink water

      contains more calories than you think, dont drink alot.

      Try different meals,
      for example

      couscous, bagels, rivita, soup, steamed fish, white meat.
      These are low in fat : )

      don't buy food that says 'low fat' sometimes its got more fat that the full fat ones.

      don't drink fizzy pop

      something else that is good, you can buy ''Fibre food by jordan's''

    • Re: Help with weight loss

      AndyD wrote:

      Hey guys, I recently decided I was going to lose a bit of weight since I've put on due to having to leave my football team. (Moved house)

      So I was wondering, if I want to lose weight (Around the stomach area) What are the best ways to do it, for instance;

      1 Would biking for around an hour be good, and how many calories would it burn?
      2 Which foods to avoid
      3 How many hours of excercise I would have to do a week
      4 How much could I lose in a week?
      5 Would sit ups and press ups help?

      Thanks for any answers, hope the above makes sense, I'm typing on my iPhone.

      Thanks again. ;)

      Hi all, I am a new member of forum. Would a newcomer be warmly welcome here? Good day you guys!!!