My friend?

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    • I just started high school and my best friend and I are going to different schools. I still see her and talk to her all the time but everything is different. I feel like she is changing and not in a good way, I don't really know what to talk to her about because we go to different schools so...I don't know.

      We got in a fight a few days ago but we talked and everything was good, but when I tried talking to her she wouldnt answer me so I thought it would be a good idea to let her be for a few days and she can talk to me when she is ready. The thing is we didnt talk for a week, when I finally talked to her everything was different. I went to the mall with her and it wasnt awkward it was just weird and I didnt talk much.

      I don't think I can talk to her because she will yell at me, say I'm overreacting, and everything will just be really bad. I'm really sad from all of this and she is confusing me and I need help! I really don't want to lose her, what should I do?
    • Re: My friend?

      I think it might be time for you guys to just grow apart.
      As bad as it sounds, maybe after youre away for awhile, things will work themselves out.
      Or you will realize you dont need her in your life.
      Look for other people to get close to.
      Dont get too hung up on losing one friend, it happens all the time, and most of the time its for the better.
      I hope it all works out <3
      What is the cure for cancer, Eric? The cure for death itself? The answer is immortality. By creating a legacy, by living a life worth remembering, you become immortal.
    • Re: My friend?

      i lived your problem...exactly the same story...mine ended slowly...she married in her first year of highschool and dropped school and i hate the guy..he hates me too...and she is with him...she changed so much...we just say hi when we meet on the street and that's all...but it all started when we went to different highschools...
      However long the night, the dawn will break:wink:
    • Re: My friend?

      Although you may not like it my advise is that whilst you can try to help her, it's always going to be her decision what she does at the end. If you see she isn't the same person as before, theres no point in making your life worse and putting up with it.
      I don't want to make it worse or anything but i hope it gets better for you.