My wonderful mother...not

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    • My wonderful mother...not

      Okay so here's the deal. My mom has been on and off with me for years, but what happened this weekend really set me off. So yesterday, my brother woke up with at temp. of 105. He went to the doctors, found out he had the flu. Well yesterday I was supposed to get my new phone (i have done chores and saved up, because my shitty phone is broken and I need one because I am always on the move). So I understand that we couldn't go yesterday. Anyway, I woke up and had the WORST sore throat. My mother never treats me as well as she treats my little brother and sister! As shes there patting my brothers head down with a cool wash cloth, she barks at me to go feed the dogs. My bro was more sick than I was yesterday, but whenever I AM really sick, my mom usually just tells me basically to get over it. Or when I was lying in bed crying because I was so sick, i called her and asked if she could make me some soup. She sighs and acts like I'm infringing on her. If, that is, she actually makes the soup. Also yesterday, I asked her about this trip my school is going on to Italy and Greece for two weeks. The first time I asked her about this, she said that she couldn't go, and told me to ask my aunt. So my aunt clears the time from work, and my mom told me Im taking my dad (hes a whole other story). I was like well you told me to ask marian!(my aunt). She's like I never told you that!!! I told you to wait!!! So basically I could pay for the trip myself, or go with my dad and not pay. I told her I will do neither. I'll skip the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and stay home. Today, I asked her if we could get my new phone. She's like I'm tired! No!! Then she proceeded to tell me that I was addicted to my phone. I was like well maybe I like technology as a hobby!! Then she yelled at me for a package coming in today because she thinks I'm addicted to ordering things on ebay too. I told her it was her birthday present, and she's like my birthday was two weeks ago!! So guess what, the ring I ordered from China just for her- is going in the trash. Or better yet, I'll give it to my grandma. Oh! So I call my grandma twice a day just to talk with her, and my mom yells at me! She says I make my grandma nervous which I don't!! FINALLY!!!!, I want to do this extra-curricular program again (Odyssey of the Mind). She says "NO, Because you wanted to quit last year", I told her something has changed and I really want to do it this year, and she still won't let me. I fucking hate her. She only let me do one honors class this year (I'm a freshman) and I KNOW I can do more. I'm a really smart kid. So I have all A's, and she always pesters me and asks me why I rarely have homework. I'm like well because I'm only in one honors class!! I just absolutely can't stand her. She's overbearing, rude, and a bitch. I would live with my grandparents, but I'm not willing to transfer schools. Can somebody PLEASE help me!?!?
    • Re: My wonderful mother...not

      sometimes parents are really pissy but this is a little much. i know how it feels when it seems like your mom or dad is treating a little sibling differently then you. but, its just something that comes with having em.

      the "one honors class" and not letting you do clubs and trip is crazy!!! by doing this she is hindering your future.