Driving me insane!!!

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    • Driving me insane!!!

      Ok, so I've been dating my boyfriend for 11 and a half months, but lately, he's been moody. This is because his father is a retard. I can't stand his dad, and I feel that if I tell him what I think of him when he pulls a "retard" moment, he will not let me see my boyfriend...

      K, so his retard moments consist of....
      - On several occasions (all past 5 months into our relationship) his dad says "You should date someone closer to our house so I save money on gas." I live 10 minutes away =\ and he smokes a pack of cigarettes everyday which is where his money goes!! also to other things that are way more, and unneeded!
      -He is EXTREMLY lazy =\ my boyfriend does not have his own room, nor his own bed. He has a futon, in the living room, where his father decides to play xbox all night so we can't sleep. Also tried to get his wife to get porn for the tv. which is in my boyfriends "room" or the living room. >=\ (didn't get it luckily)
      -He has never done the dished once in his life. He buys paper plates to prevent it and makes my boyfriend and his brother do the chores by threatening to take away the xbox 360 away (that my boyfriend and his brother bought with their own money!!)
      -He won't let my bf get a job, or a car, because he doesn't want to drive him anywhere (like WTF? Does that even make sense??) And says that he has to prove he can work around the house before he can get a real job, but he never gets up. There are 4 sheets of drywall waiting to be put up right now.
      -He threw the xbox because he wanted to get the timer off (it was a timer of 38 hours for a week and he used it in 5 days without letting anyone else play.) Then threatened to get the code and changed it so the kids couldn't play.
      -He tells his wife (who is AMAZING and I don't know how she does what she does) that she works to much because she has two jobs, and they are no real hours, like they call her at 1 in the morning and she actually goes in it's crazy! But yet he makes her do the dishes.
      -He's the only person that knows how to do plumbing and he won't put the sink in the bathroom on even though that's basically all it needs.

      WTF do I do?! My boyfriend builds up so much stuff becuase he says NOTHING and he gets so moody...we haven't had problems but I just can't stand it. On top of all that, his brother is exactly like his dad, except for smoking he makes fun of me, and says lies that i beat my boyfriend and hurt him and he hates me. Should I say something? Because I can't stand going there, and it makes my boyfriend sad that I won't go there much anymore.....:confused::mad: