The candy apple test

    • The candy apple test

      You Are Colorful and Flamboyant
      You're the type of person who wears a really crazy, outrageous costume. Seriously, you push it to the limit.
      You're likely to dress up in something that is both hilarious and revealing. Halloween is the one night you can get away with murder, and you fully intend to.

      Your favorite Halloween celebrations are totally unpredictable and wild. You want to wake not knowing where you are... next to a hungover clown.
      Candy and booze are a dangerous mix, and you like to live on the edge. Just remember to pace yourself while the night is still young.

      Blogthings - The Candy Apple Test
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      You Are Kooky and Crazy

      You're the type of person to wear a laugh out loud hilarious costume, even if it's a bit embarrassing to be seen in.
      You are a total nut every day of the year, and Halloween gives you an excuse to be extra nutty.

      Your favorite Halloween celebration is full of twists, turns, and surprises. The night isn't complete until you get scared out of your mind.
      You may not be the most superstitious person, but you do think that all the freaks come out on Halloween... and you love it!
    • Re: The candy apple test

      You Are Innovative and Brilliant

      You're the type of person who likes to do Halloween your way. And what "your way" is changes every year.
      Maybe you'll dress up. Maybe you'll build a haunted house. Or maybe you'll start your own tradition.

      Your favorite Halloween celebrations involve you, and maybe a couple close friends. That is, of course, if you feel like celebrating at all.
      You march to your own spooky beat, and you're just as likely to be trying to scare the neighbor kids as you are to hand out candy.

      The Candy Apple Test

      The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings
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      You Are Optimistic and Sweet

      You're the type of person who wears a costume representing who you wish you were. You're likely to dress up as a historical figure or a super hero.
      You think it's fun to dream and play a little. Halloween really brings out your lighter side.

      Your favorite Halloween celebration is with your favorite people. You love to see what costumes your friends end up wearing.
      You feel like you can learn a lot from what your friends choose to be this time of the year. It's how they really reveal themselves.
    • Re: The candy apple test

      You Are Traditional and Easy Going
      You're the type of person who likes to do the same thing every year for Halloween. In fact, you may even wear the same costume.
      You like each and every Halloween tradition, and you figure why mess with a good thing?

      Your favorite Halloween celebration is all about your yearly ritual. You find yourself watching the same movie or attending the same party.
      You like old fashioned treats like candied apples and candy corn. And you prefer old fashioned costumes like witches and ghosts to the latest action hero.