Let me tell you all a story...

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    • Let me tell you all a story...

      First off, I'm sorry that this is really long, but I need to tell this to someone.

      I'm a guy and I'm a theatre geek. Plain and simple. In 8th grade, I began to like a girl (whom I'll call C for the remainder of this story) who also did the school plays. I knew her since 6th grade and was decently friendly with her. We were both principal characters in the 8th grade show, and by the end of the rehearsals, I knew I had fallen for her. However, that year, I also became very good friends with many other girls, one of whom I also started to like.

      We had the 8th grade dance at the end of the year, and I decided, after building up the courage for several weeks, to ask C to it. I was heartbroken when she told me that she was already going with someone (and they were just going as friends), but I tried not to let it get to me. A couple days later, I asked the other girl I liked to the dance and she said yes. I basically started going out with her after that, but after the summer, we started to see each other less and less often and becoming less and less interested in each other. We broke up about a month into my freshman year of high school.

      I forgot to mention that all the while, I had become best friends with a girl I met in the 8th grade show and who was also good friends with C. I had been asking her for advice about C and my other crush during that period and she helped me quite a lot. About a month after my girlfriend and I broke up, I realized that I really liked this girl (who I’ll call M). There was an awkward period for a day or two when I told her this because she had tried to get over me—she liked me in the months leading up to this. Anyway, she decided to give it a try on the grounds that no matter what happened we would remain best friends.

      It was the best relationship that I’ve ever had. We were in love and went out for a little over a year, up until last November. I had pretty much forgotten all about C up until…you guessed it, the school musical in the early months of that year. We had similar parts and spent much time together during rehearsals while my girlfriend wasn’t even doing the show. Of course, M knew about my prior crush on C and pretty much figured that I hadn’t lost my feelings completely for her. She was okay with it, though, because she trusted me. I was thankful for that, because I would never want to do anything to jeopardize a perfect relationship.

      So as I said before, we broke up after a little over a year about a quarter through my sophomore year. I’m not going to get into the specifics of this, but basically she felt that it wasn’t a good time for her to have a boyfriend. Anyway, I was still hung up on her for a while and we weren’t really good friends again until later in the school year.

      This January, I met a girl in the grade below me through a cabaret type performance in the school and we gradually became really good friends. I started liking her after over a month, but my attraction to C still lingered. Near the end of the musical in March, it hit me in full swing again, especially when one of my friends told me and others that he liked C now. I thought really hard about telling her my feelings, but with M my friend again, she advised me not to, as C liked someone from her summer camp and of course I would be hurting my other friend if I tried it. Instead, I turned my sights on this new girl. A month after this, we started going out. It was a very good relationship. The only thing was that my feelings for C never went away.

      Now, my girlfriend just broke up with me last week and we haven’t talked since. I don’t really want to talk about this either. But now, I still have feelings for C which have magnified this past week and I have no idea what I should do. I definitely feel like it’s too soon to try to get into a new relationship.

      When I’m around C, I’m always really careful what I say so I don’t sound stupid, but at the same time I try to be funnier than I usually am. At times, she can be really nice to me. She’ll laugh at my jokes, joke around with me, look at me while I’m talking—general signs of interest. But at other times, she can get into a mood where she seems almost annoyed with me. I really don’t know how to interpret how she feels towards me. We've been friends for years, but never too close to each other.

      A usual day between us this year:
      -I talk to her a little in the morning before classes start; our lockers are close by
      -We pass each other in the halls once or twice during the school day
      -Afterschool: I see her at the lockers, if there’s rehearsal for a show we may talk in a larger group for around 30 minutes until it starts, then usually talk to her a little during rehearsal
      -Sometimes I’ll talk to her online later in the day

      So as you can see, I’m stuck. I’m not sure if I should even do anything at all. But I’m sure you can tell how crazy this is making me by how long this essay is. This is probably longer than anything I’ve ever written in school.

      Basically what I'm asking for is any advice you have with regard to anything you see fit. Thank you in advance.
    • Re: Let me tell you all a story...

      ACDCfanatic wrote:

      Wall of text!!

      Run to the fucking hills!!!

      Amen brother. My head hurts and I haven't even started to read it yet. Time for a badass video to distract me.

      [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8rZWw9HE7o]YouTube - Top Gun - Highway to the Dangerzone[/ame]

      Too close for missiles so I'm switching to guns. OH YEA!
      Unfortunately my producer Azamat Bagatov could not make entry to your country because of sex crime problem. But it has been resolved now, because the horse was above the age of consent.
    • Re: Let me tell you all a story...

      1. It sounds like there are no strong feelings yet, so for now hold your fire.
      2. Keep being friends with her and nurture that friendship.
      3. If she's in a mood, remember that people have bad days and 99.999% of the time it won't be because of you. Ask her what's up the next day in a completely non-confronational way, like "Hey, you seemed a bit upset yesterday. ANything up."
      Above all, don't let it get to you as much as is possible.
    • Re: Let me tell you all a story...

      Move on from C. It maybe hard because people are often more interested in things that they cannot have. But you just have to do it. Realise her only as a friend and that nothing more. Stay single for awhile just to get your head on straight. Dating a bunch of girls is not the best way to move on. You'll soon realise that relationships in high school rarely last throughout college anyway. So even if you did get with C, not a chance though because of your friendships would be in jepordy, it would only last a year. So, stay single and focus on your studies to get into a good university, then let the chick hunting fest begin!
    • Re: Let me tell you all a story...

      I sorta think that at your age your worrying to much about relationships, i would suggest from my own experiance just enjoying the single life as long as you can... forget long term and just do whats best for you in the short term, be selfish, its harsh but true i think.