I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

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    • I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      I need help attracting girls. I think I am fairly handsome but girls don't really seem to be interested in me that much. I also am althletic, I play soccer, and smart. I am kinda shy but I still don't see why girls aren't interested in me that much. If anyone has any advice on what I can do please tell me. I really want to find a girl that I can be in a good relationship with.
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Girls find confidence sexy, just like guys do. Shyness usually won't score you points with girls because they want someone confident in themselves. Be a little more outgoing - strike up conversations with girls, flirt, etc. You'll meet a lot more and you'll make more of an impression on them. I might converse with a million guys over a certain period of time and have forgotten most of them the next day, but ones that had personality, joked around, didn't come off shy I'll remember forever.

      Hm. That whole thing sounded much better in my head than it did written down. Although, you're not giving us a whole lot to go on. =/

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Thanks for giving me advice. I have been trying to not come off as shy but I just don't seem to be able to be outgoing enough. Is there anything that you think I could do to be more outgoing. Also what other stuff about me do u need to know to help give me advice.
      -Thanks =D
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      being more out-going is easy

      you ever see the movie 'yes man' well basically, just take every chance you have to go out to partys, meet up's whatever, just 'go out more'

      Confidents is a big one for the girls, you have to show it in your body, stand up straight and have your shoulders back, be cute and funny and just enjoy yourself, girls love that
      [CENTER] [/CENTER]
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Just be confident in yourself. Spend your time, figuring out what you want. Don`t spend so much time thinking about getting a girl.

      You have your life together, put yourself out there. In time, someone will come along. There are six billion people on the planet. Math has to work in your favor one of these days.
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      i have/had the same problem im coming out of it.. being shy really just kills everything trust me..
      for me i personally have the best kind of game in txt but in person i suck.. i would have to be hyper or something like that..
      for me i think what help/is helpin me now is that i started goin to clubs grinding on chicks and what not girls seen it and i guess it got in there head that im not all that shy. maybe im not all that sure.. try finding a way to get confidence up..
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      All girls love confidence. Never wear loose fitting clothes. Dirty either...jagged maybe like the fools that buy jeans for $50 with hole and shit in them, but I guess that looks good these days. Shoulders back, good posture[makes you look more mature and less delinquent]. When you do get a good one, be the first for everything. That doesn't mean being a date raper or anything, just make sure the feeling's mutual before you try anything. Just first to initiate kiss, hand holding, ect. You'll eventually get used to it with the experience and all.

      The post was edited 2 times, last by ExitHope ().

    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      Girls find confidence sexy, just like guys do. Shyness usually won't score you points with girls because they want someone confident in themselves. Be a little more outgoing - strike up conversations with girls, flirt, etc. You'll meet a lot more and you'll make more of an impression on them. I might converse with a million guys over a certain period of time and have forgotten most of them the next day, but ones that had personality, joked around, didn't come off shy I'll remember forever.

      Hm. That whole thing sounded much better in my head than it did written down. Although, you're not giving us a whole lot to go on. =/


      Really you'll remember them forever? So when your like 75 you will still remember some dude you talked to one time like 60 years ago...:rolleyes:

      To the op: Confidence is key! But in order to be confident you need to accept yourself...don't change who you are to impress some chick, be the best you you can be and people will eventually notice how great you are and the rest is easy as pie.
      What I should have said was...Nothing!
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      alfaspider06 wrote:

      Really you'll remember them forever? So when your like 75 you will still remember some dude you talked to one time like 60 years ago...:rolleyes:
      Awww, how cute. You don't understand the literary device known as hyperbole. *pinches cheeks* SO ADORABLE. =D

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      ok sorry if im repeating what others have said

      the shyness is the problem, (it was for me too), just try being more confident and it will help a lot, i know it can be difficult, try working up to it, slowly pushing your boundarys untill your comfortable with it

      also ive tried this a few times and i know its what made my first girlfiend interested in me, was pretending to be confident even though your not, hide the shyness long enough to start a conversation, and try subtle flirting aswell... and then when your alone this the person then show a little bit of the shyness, coz then the know you have feelings and that helps too, but not too much coz that gets rid of the self-confidence that they could see in you

      eye contact is a dead giveaway though, if your struggling to hold it then its obvious your shy, but its creepy if you stare at them, just hold it for a few seconds then look at someing else..., if you get eye contact and starting of conversations then that will go a big way for you

      i hope this helps
      we all got troubles, we all got pain, we try to hang onto love, try to keep it the same, we all got issues, i put mine in my songs, sometimes im not fine but im carrying on
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Goddess of Judecca wrote:

      Awww, how cute. You don't understand the literary device known as hyperbole. *pinches cheeks* SO ADORABLE. =D


      yeah I don't understand Hyperbole.....funny considering I am the epitome of hyperbole!

      And I don't need your condescension...so grow up and stop being a bitch on the internet you don't impress anyone
      What I should have said was...Nothing!
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      alfaspider06 wrote:

      yeah I don't understand Hyperbole.....funny considering I am the epitome of hyperbole!

      And I don't need your condescension...so grow up and stop being a bitch on the internet you don't impress anyone
      You're the epitome of hyperbole? You are the greatest example of hyperbole? LOLWUT.

      By the way, hun, it was you that started being a stuck-up, bitchy little cunt to me, so why are you calling me immature for condescending you? Ever heard the phrase people who live in glasses houses shouldn't throw stones?

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      Not really sure if playing soccer has anything to do with it, but at my school the football and basketball players get all the girls (I'm going out with this wide receiver from our varsity football team).
      Maybe you should quit soccer and be the kicker on your football team? haha jkjk
      I guess the only helpful advice I can give ya is try to smell nice and be confident
    • Re: I need advice about attracting girls ^_^

      act like yourself. Dont turn urself into sumthing u arent....thats just not good at all (personal experience) I kno this is coming from a girl but seriously just act yourself, be caring and considerate of her feelings, and she will just love u :)
      Trust me experience here....i always acted like sumthing i m not and the reationship ended horribly, yet wen i found a guy who was exactly like me a year later he proposed. :)
      [CENTER]There are no stupid questions, just stupid people. [/CENTER]
      [CENTER]Proven fact.:rofl:[/CENTER]