epic shyness

    • epic shyness

      my names james (or is it?) and i think i have a problem. Mostly with girls but generally with people in general. i have a good deal of freinds and closer friends and i generally get on well with everybody, i have friends that are girls but i'd generally find excuses not to see them/ avoid larger group shiz. basically i dont confide with anyone, i never express any of my feelings to anyone especially the girl that ive liked for two years
      and never even hinted at it<<< :gay:
      i get nervous at the idea of larger "gatherings" :P of friends and tend to find really lame excuses too stay at home and do nothing

      anyone have any ideas on what i can do? i only recently decided to try and do something becaus i am epicly falling behind on the social life:(

    • Re: epic shyness

      Well, I'll tell you how I stopped being shy, when I turned 13 my parents let me leave the house and go to a private school, there I met three amazing people, those three guys became like brothers to me, we say that we may come from different families, but whether we like it or not, we ARE brothers and it will always be that way. (I also met the awesome girl I'm with now when I was 13 lol) My point is, find some good people, some genuinely good people to hang around, form a tight bond with them and confide with them (I'll admit that there are certain things I can't tell them, but that's completely off topic) let them know everything about you, but with time, don't go into this friendship and start spilling all your deepest, darkest secrets, that's just freaky. In summary, ease into a friendship with some people (of your own gender is better, then you get that brotherhood/sisterhood feel to it) and then with time find a way to be able to trust them and start on your journey with them. Me and my brothers have been through all kinds of adventures and stories and fun times, I can hardly remember half of them. What I mean is go looking for the friends that are gonna be there no matter what and you'll break out of that shell faster than you think.

      Best Wishes!:)