Anyone speaks german? i need help translating this..

    • Anyone speaks german? i need help translating this..

      Please someone help.. :(

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    • Re: Anyone speaks german? i need help translating this..

      Yeah I need all of it.. its my german homework, well its not really required, but I'll get an A if i do it.. i have to translate all of it and i dont understand anything. i just began learning german this september.. my teacher said we could use a dictionary but it didnt help at ALL.. i dont understand anything.
    • Re: Anyone speaks german? i need help translating this..

      So you're homework is to translate that piece of text and you want somebody who speaks German to translate it for you? So you basically want someone to do your homework for you. That isn't the best way to start trying to understand another language. I also speak French so I can't actually help you with the German itself but I can tell you that you won't learn a language without putting in enough effort.

      If you can't understand the text go through it and highlight any words that you don't understand. Once you've done that, go and look the words up. In practice its best to use quite a large dictionary which will give you insight into the context of the vocab. If you don't own a big dictionary I would suggest this website English to French, Italian, German & Spanish Dictionary - . I find it very helpful when there's a word I need to look up.

      Once you've got all that vocab down (don't lose it, keep it and learn it!) try and read through the text again, this time trying to get the general sense of what the text is saying. Once you have a basic sense of what some or all of the text is telling you, break it down. Tackle each section at a time. Don't translate word for word, it doesn't work - you need to read a sentence as a whole and translate the sentence into the best English equivalent that you can think of.

      If you are really struggling and have tried the steps I've listed above you can use google translate BASIS (don't copy the translation) for you work. It might give you more of an insight into the text however do remember it will not be completely accurate so you need to be wary.
      [CENTER]This is a gift it comes with a price
      Who is the lamb and who is the knife
      Midas is king and he holds me so tight
      And turns me to gold in the sunlight
      - Florence + The Machine, Rabbit Heart

      I'm not a misanthrope, but I can utterly empathise with them.
    • Re: Anyone speaks german? i need help translating this..

      ok i agree with Tomski. and if this is ur homework and u must transleate all but u know no german.... it will be obvious to ur teacher that u cheated when he/she learns that u know no german... becos they will have to find out if they are ur teacher. u have to just tell them that ur new and u dont understand it yet. The teacher shoult have patience becos even thouh now it seems like a huuuge thing becos u dont know any german, if u spend time listening to ur clasmates and teachers and being immersed (sorry if this word is wrong i looked it up) and u dooo work hard i can promise u that in 1 year - 1/2 year u will be at the same pace as ur class mates. it maybe feels like a long time from now but it will definitely happen! :)

      Alex;2413509 wrote:

      Polish people are awesome, might I just add.

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