I just don't care

    • I just don't care

      I've posted a couple depression threads before but out of all honesty nothing helped. I don't have really anyone that I would call a friend, more of just "the people I go to school with". I'm not one who's in a group of people or if I am I don't say whole lot. It's been mostly like this since I was twelve. I'm really stressed out and I would like to be able to drive away but I still haven't been taken to get my learners permit. You can't live in this world alone but I feel like I do. Everyday is just another day getting by and I do nothing. I'm not sure how to be a huge social person I usually just sit in class and shut my mouth but deep down i'm dead. I want to dropout but I can't without parents consent and if I do i'll have to come up with 6,000$ to get my braces removed. I'm so sick of this shit. I'm not gonna kill myself but I know I can't and won't live like this anymore.
    • Re: I just don't care

      You have said that you aren't going to live a life like this anymore. That's good. Make the change. Put forth the effort to muster up the courage it takes to keep moving. Believe me. I know how you feel. I am autistic and I have a horrible social life. You just have to hang in there and not worry so much about what is happening, but about what could happen. Think and pkan ahead. it helps in the long run. Learn to not expect so much from people. You will only be let down.

      You have to keep going no matter how rough things get. Jyst keep on moving straight ahead and don't let anything stop you.

      Take it from me. I know.
    • Re: I just don't care

      Listen to ecopper, he's got it right on. You have to make the change youself, we can't do it for you. Put all of your effort into being more outgoing, hell, even pick up a book on social skills to read. Maybe even a self-help book, I know you say you have a lot of time on your hands. Make the best of that time! You'd be amazed at what you can learn. Reading can also give you things to talk about with people; you learn interesting tidbits that other people may find interesting. Things like that are great conversation starters.

      Social skills take a lot of practice; some people get it quicker than others. You just have to be willing to learn. I've learned this time and time again, and it's something very important to improving your life. In your case and even mine a while ago, the only person allowing your life to be a mess is you. Sounds rough, but it's the cold hard truth.

      Also, please don't drop out, that will only worsen your situation. At your age, and I'm assuming thats mid-teens, your education is the most important thing going on right now. Your education will allow you to move forward in life, and eventually land a sweet job where you make a lot of money. Get the notion of even wanting to out of your mind, it's definitely not an option. Do well, and you'll look back at your high school years and smile.

      Start caring my friend.
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: I just don't care

      Trigger Happy wrote:

      I've posted a couple depression threads before but out of all honesty nothing helped. I don't have really anyone that I would call a friend, more of just "the people I go to school with". I'm not one who's in a group of people or if I am I don't say whole lot. It's been mostly like this since I was twelve. I'm really stressed out and I would like to be able to drive away but I still haven't been taken to get my learners permit. You can't live in this world alone but I feel like I do. Everyday is just another day getting by and I do nothing. I'm not sure how to be a huge social person I usually just sit in class and shut my mouth but deep down i'm dead. I want to dropout but I can't without parents consent and if I do i'll have to come up with 6,000$ to get my braces removed. I'm so sick of this shit. I'm not gonna kill myself but I know I can't and won't live like this anymore.

      i'm the same way, not sociable what-so-ever. always seem to feel like i just want to get through the day and go home, just to do it all over again. after suffering for quite some time i tried sports, make some real friends that way. you just have to get engaged and involved in school programs. track tends to be a good one because everyone competes and most people in that particular sports won't hate you if you're not any good. if you're not a sporty person, try a school club. you have to build yourself up.
      My Blog --- gatlinock.blogspot.com/
      Last Updated: Sunday, November 29, 2009
    • Re: I just don't care

      Yeah i can so relate to your situation. I have no real friends either, just people i go to school with. yes it makes me sad, bored , lonely and i just want to get away, start fresh, but money is really a big problem.
      thats why i aim for the future. schools only gonna be a few more years. After that, get a decent job, and start fresh, with the freedom to do wahtever u want with your life and not confined to just school.
      i know that this reply is kinda different to others. don't get me wrong, i totally agree with the other replies here, but thats how i think every single day. If i work hard in school, my future will be bright.
    • Re: I just don't care

      When you are alone and you doubt that everyone is doing something doing your back. I know a friend who use to feel like this. You may think that the School will be over and I am going to make friends then when I start to work but it doesn't work that way. You cannot live alone in this world......Trust me there is more out than there is in your mind.
      If you don't like your school friends then its fine. I use to hate them too when I was young--- I used to dream about days when I would be making lots of money in the future and then making their life miserable. It is normal and you're normal.

      I am not telling you to change but look at the through a different perspective---- I am sure a lot of people are interested in you and want to be your friend. Its ok if you want to make friends outside School but just try it. I had OCD when I was young and I never trusted anybody and I blamed everyone for making my life miserable. I don't want you to repeat that. I think you are also a shy person like I was in my School days. Its normal. Even Richard Gere must be Shy.

      Everybody called me a Psycho or someone with Mental Disorder and they would make fun of me a lot. But you know what I did to turn it all around--- It was simple I start to look at positive things in life. Like they told me "Do you have any mental disorder ?" Then I would answer back, "Yes, I do. Aren't you glad to have met a person with a mental disorder ?" Lol. I was not even close to you but I changed. It begins in You.

      It begins with you. Trust me you will make it through ----- I did it. I was called "Mentally Unfit for School" by even the Teachers but you're in a better position than Me.
      You can do it.
    • Re: I just don't care

      Trigger Happy wrote:

      I've posted a couple depression threads before but out of all honesty nothing helped. I don't have really anyone that I would call a friend, more of just "the people I go to school with". I'm not one who's in a group of people or if I am I don't say whole lot. It's been mostly like this since I was twelve. I'm really stressed out and I would like to be able to drive away but I still haven't been taken to get my learners permit. You can't live in this world alone but I feel like I do. Everyday is just another day getting by and I do nothing. I'm not sure how to be a huge social person I usually just sit in class and shut my mouth but deep down i'm dead. I want to dropout but I can't without parents consent and if I do i'll have to come up with 6,000$ to get my braces removed. I'm so sick of this shit. I'm not gonna kill myself but I know I can't and won't live like this anymore.

      Its almost like your speaking for me. I find it easiar to deal if I'm busy. There's no time to think. Hope this helps.