i think i like my best friend

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    • i think i like my best friend

      ok so i have known this girl for a long time and i have been close friends with her since like summer 09. she is a very pretty girl and i have always been attracted to her but only lately have i had feelings that i would like a relationship other than friendship. the only problem is, even though she is extremely flirty and open with me, she refers to me as a best friend and i know she is interested in another guy.

      one night when we were drinking we ended up being alone and she was trying to kiss me, or at least get me to kiss her. i decided not to because she was drunk and i knew that she liked another guy and i dont want bring myself up for rejection, i dont want her to be kissing me unless she really is interested in me.

      at the same time i feel as if maybe i am being a pushover because i do a lot of things for this girl( my best friend). like i would spot her money if shes broke or anything because i care about her

      but the bottom line is do you think she might be leading me on? or maybe shes taking advantage of me? or maybe she feels the same? if you have any questions please ask. and any advice is greatly appreciated

      p.s. please excuse the terrible grammar and punctuation, i didnt have a lot of time.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      but she was drunk at the time bro

      honestly, go on google and look up ways to get out of the friend zone, thats the best advise i can give

      Dating a best friend has lots of pro's and con's tho

      One of the biggest pro's is that you know eachother really well so the relationship has lots of potencial to work out

      Downside is, if it falls apart, you can loose your best friend
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    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      First off, kudos for not kissing her while you were drinking. Seriously. You're awesome if you like her but won't kiss her while she's drunk, because she's not really thinking.

      The most you can do at this point in time, is tell her how you feel. There's a chance, although she's interested in someone else that she could be interested in you too. Offer to take her out to dinner, or a movie. It couldn't hurt.

      The best kind of relationships are the ones that start with friendship. Because you know more about the other person. Their likes, dislikes, feelings about things, possibly hopes, dreams. All kinds of things. You really just need to talk to her about everything. Get everything out in the open. I hope everything works out for you. :)

      If you need anything else, feel free to drop me a message.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      I disagree. I think you _should_ have kissed her back.

      Being drunk doesn't make you do things you don't want to do. It helps you do things you were reluctant/unsure if you wanted to do.

      Maybe when she's sober, she sees you as a friend and doesn't want to ruin that. But maybe, especially since your feelings have changed, she needs to reevaluate that.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      Freddie354 wrote:

      I disagree. I think you _should_ have kissed her back.

      Being drunk doesn't make you do things you don't want to do. It helps you do things you were reluctant/unsure if you wanted to do.

      Maybe when she's sober, she sees you as a friend and doesn't want to ruin that. But maybe, especially since your feelings have changed, she needs to reevaluate that.

      have you ever been REALLY drunk before?
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    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      Freddie354 wrote:

      I disagree. I think you _should_ have kissed her back.

      Being drunk doesn't make you do things you don't want to do. It helps you do things you were reluctant/unsure if you wanted to do.

      Maybe when she's sober, she sees you as a friend and doesn't want to ruin that. But maybe, especially since your feelings have changed, she needs to reevaluate that.

      When you're drunk you lose your reasoning skills. You do things you wouldn't normally do when you're sober.

      Had he kissed her, it would've made things awkward when they were sober, and she might've felt like he took advantage of her at a vulnerable time.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      Heatherbby wrote:

      When you're drunk you lose your reasoning skills. You do things you wouldn't normally do when you're sober.

      Had he kissed her, it would've made things awkward when they were sober, and she might've felt like he took advantage of her at a vulnerable time.

      [RIGHT][SIZE=3]Ignorance is bliss
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      first off heather - i am too scared to tell her. i guess whats holding me back is that i know she has feelings for this other guy. especially since i am kinda friends with this guy. they are not in a relationship but they are flirty and i know they have kissed before. thank you very much for your help!

      freddie - if she needs to re evaluate that then does that mean we wont be good friends with me again? i know i wish i did kiss her back lol

      and i kind of forgot to mention that ive already made out with her once when we were drunk and we kinda just didnt think anything of it and i kinda played it off making fun of her for it cause it was just like the last time. so this doesnt apply..

      When you're drunk you lose your reasoning skills. You do things you wouldn't normally do when you're sober.

      Had he kissed her, it would've made things awkward when they were sober, and she might've felt like he took advantage of her at a vulnerable time.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      niceguy22 wrote:

      first off heather - i am too scared to tell her. i guess whats holding me back is that i know she has feelings for this other guy. especially since i am kinda friends with this guy. they are not in a relationship but they are flirty and i know they have kissed before. thank you very much for your help!

      Then maybe talk to him about what's going on.

      Niceguy7 wrote:

      You're lucky I don't beat your anus for stealing my name foo.

    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      If you are still looking for some advice this is what I can tell you.
      Yes, when you are drunk you loose reasoning skills but the saying
      "Drunk actions are sober thoughts" has some truth to it. I believe that if she often tried to kiss you when drunk there is something to that. She may be feeling the same but too afraid to tell you.
      Bottom Line: You HAVE to talk to her. You can not keep simply waiting for her to do something, you need to tell her how you feel.
    • Re: i think i like my best friend

      thanks for all your help heather but talking to him is out of the question.

      and rayne thanks very much i know i need to tell her but whats the best way to tell a girl that you have feelings for her? and how do i tell her in a way that wont ruin what i already have?

      i could easily phone her or text her thats the pussy way but i know i cant do that!!!