Trouble with racism

    • Trouble with racism

      I'm middle eastern and here in Australia people seem to not like me because of it. For example, recently I was talking to an Australian boy. He started calling me cute and stuff then asked where I was from. I said I was middle eastern and he was like " I wouldn't call you cute anymore." I can never get a boyfriend because of this. People think I'm a "terrorist" or something. I'm not ugly, I would even go as far to say that I'm pretty but as soon as people hear the word "Arab" they dislike me. What can I do? I hate racism, I'm extremely proud of where I am from and not at all one of those Islamic fundamentalists who are biased.
    • Re: Trouble with racism

      hi. ow man i hate how some ppl can be so mean :(
      Its hard to belief but even where i live now i have had to deal with ppl hurt me becos of my nationality is differnt. my skin is the same and ive lived here since im 4 years old but to them its still enouh to tease u for it.
      I know this is easy to say but just dont listen to them! Dont let them feel bad about who u are or where u come from and u must never be ashamed of who u are too! if they wont allow the idea then u just must move on and dont bother with them. if they want to hurt u for ur race/nationality just give them no attention becos they have no rights to say this things and u need to show that u wont let them bother u. u can give up on that one person becos im sure u can find hundreds times more who will not be ignorant as this boy who does not understand ur culture or feelings.
      ur so much better than him ok :) dont listen to him or ppl like him!

      Alex;2413509 wrote:

      Polish people are awesome, might I just add.

      [COLOR="Black"][SIZE="1"]read here my blog :)[/SIZE][/RIGHT][/COLOR]
    • Re: Trouble with racism

      yeh sorry im australian and om sorry that everyone hates you. It has been this way since that horrible leader said that our woman are raped becuase they dont cover up. Also i think people are scared of going out with u if they think that they will have to join all the religion and stuff.
    • Re: Trouble with racism

      sumjohnsmith wrote:

      dont be afraid to keep telling people who you really are.
      the moment you stop doing that and a guy accepts you, you will never know if he accepts you for ur looks or for more than just looks

      You're an idiot. Your logic is completely flawed, where you are from has a major impact on what you look like - especially for natives (she is a native of the middle-east).

      Now for wowwow, don't tell anyone about your origins. If you are in a country like that it is important not to disclose that kind of information, it makes it a lot easier to assimilate. If anyone asks you, tell them that you are Australian... that's what you are, after all.