How Do I Talk Her?

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    • How Do I Talk Her?

      okay, so there is this girl who has really caught my eye. She's amazingly beautiful and I have a crush on her. We don't have any classes together, but I met her once through my gay friend. I'm completely sure she's lesbian because she just broke up with her girlfriend a month ago. I've heard through alot of people that she thinks I'm cute and has a crush on me too. Every time I pass her in the hallways we meet eyes and we both smile. She stares at me for long periods of time and blushes when I look at her. I'm only a freshman and she's sophomore, The problem is, I've never talked to her and I don't know how to approach her. I'm bisexual, but I've only been in a relationship with a guy before. I'm also really shy....

      How can I approach this girl without making me look stupid? How do I show that I'm interested in her? Oh, and do you think I'm too young for her?

    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      Just go up to her and strike up a conversation - about anything. You can compliment her on her clothes, shoes, etc. Just see where it takes you. Invite her to hangout with you or your friend as well. After that, try to move the conversation toward the rumors you heard. See how she responds. From the way you described it, it seems as if she does like you.

      Hopefully, this might help. Good luck.

      The post was edited 5 times, last by Shatter101 ().

    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      Shatter101 wrote:

      Just go up to her and strike up a conversation - about anything. You can compliment her on her clothes, shoes, etc. Just see where it takes you. Invite her to hangout with you or your friend as well. After that, try to move the conversation toward the rumors you heard. See how she responds. From the way you described it, it seems as if she does like you.

      Hopefully, this might help. Good luck.

      This is good advise

      Only thing I can add, when you invite her to hang out, try throw in a bit of flirting and see how she responds, you should be able to tell by her reaction if she likes you or not :wink:

      Also, i dont understand the system over there, how many years are between you two?
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    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      Kevmo7 wrote:

      This is good advise

      Only thing I can add, when you invite her to hang out, try throw in a bit of flirting and see how she responds, you should be able to tell by her reaction if she likes you or not :wink:

      I agree with that.

      Also, i dont understand the system over there, how many years are between you two?

      It's one year between them (I think) -- freshman, sophomore, junior and senior.
    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      How to talk to a girl:

      1.) Plant your left foot in front of your right foot, then your right foot in front of your left foot
      2.) repeat step one until your feet bring you in close proximity (1-3 feet) of said girl
      3.) open mouth and form words. "Hi" is a great start

      I like "Excuse me, I just noticed you noticing me and I just wanted to give you notice that I noticed you too."

      Or don't. Say hi, we haven't met yet. What's your name

      then talk about anything, it doesn't matter.
    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      okay, so here's an update on what happened. I totally chickened out on Wednesday! I was so upset with myself. But then today, my friends all encouraged me to actually talk to her now. So, then at lunch, my friend and I went looking for her because last time we saw her by her locker. We saw her by her bestfriend(whose a guy) and a girl I know from Math class I talk to sometimes. Next, she saw me staring at her and then her friend came up to me and asked me if I liked her because she likes me. I told her "yeah, I like her." Then she pushed me to her and everyone including my friend left us alone. We were both really nervous and we only got to talk for about two minutes because the bell rang. I ended asking her out, giving her my number, and she walked me to class!!! so, yeah it went well. (=
    • Re: How Do I Talk Her?

      Well for one be sure you talk to her in person not over a note or text or something like that. If you start a relationship over text it can lead to being super shy in person. So talk to her in person, just randomly go up to her and talk. Ask to hangout. When you do hangout, go to someplace like the movies. Be sure to be flirtatiousss. :) Btw, It sounds like she likes you too. :) So good luckkk !