Help...Suicidal Thoughts

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    • Help...Suicidal Thoughts

      I won't explain much of my situation. I am 18 year old male. I have had a lot of success in life. I have a great family, a great girlfriend who I am in love with, a great home, and great friends. Why do I feel like this? I am buried in self shame for even feeling this way when everything should be so great. I want to kill myself. I am trying to get rid of that part of me but everything keeps on getting worse.

      I am in therapy. I take these pills they give me. I'm sick and I don't have any reason to be. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I can't get these thoughts out of my head. I literally feel like I'm being sucked further into this depression every second. I can't stop thinking about driving my car off a bridge, or into a tree, or just overdosing on these pills. Why is this happening to me, what did I do? What do I do? I'm completely lost, when I have everything anyone could ever need. I hate myself, and I am sunk.

      I need someone to just tell me something.
    • Re: Help...Suicidal Thoughts

      Hi. :)

      I think I know how you're feeling. Everything is going great, but yet you're just stuck in a slump. =/ It sounds like you're on a right track though, for the way you're feeling... Therapy, medication. However, some meds don't always work on certain people. Maybe talking to your doctor/therapist about trying a different med.

      On the other hand, there are lots of things you can do to help yourself. Keeping your mind occupied is a must. Bad things happen when thoughts wander. Join some clubs or a church or volunteer in your community. Lots of times helping other people too gives us a good feelings and eliminates those depressed/worthless feelings because we feel accomplished with ourselves.

      I hope this helps you out. Let me know if you need anything. :)
    • Re: Help...Suicidal Thoughts

      derzerbarkley wrote:

      I won't explain much of my situation. I am 18 year old male. I have had a lot of success in life. I have a great family, a great girlfriend who I am in love with, a great home, and great friends. Why do I feel like this? I am buried in self shame for even feeling this way when everything should be so great. I want to kill myself. I am trying to get rid of that part of me but everything keeps on getting worse.

      I am in therapy. I take these pills they give me. I'm sick and I don't have any reason to be. I see no light at the end of the tunnel. I can't get these thoughts out of my head. I literally feel like I'm being sucked further into this depression every second. I can't stop thinking about driving my car off a bridge, or into a tree, or just overdosing on these pills. Why is this happening to me, what did I do? What do I do? I'm completely lost, when I have everything anyone could ever need. I hate myself, and I am sunk.

      I need someone to just tell me something.

      I really don't see how you can be unhappy...I'm 18, no girlfriend, job, or own place to live and not the most # of friends.

      Like Kelly said do some things...I joined the gym and I feel a little better than I did before and that is my 'drug addiction' because I will never smoke or become an alcoholic
    • Re: Help...Suicidal Thoughts

      Hiya :)
      You know, people don't necessarily have to have a reason for being depressed. Many peopel go through that. I went through it. Admittedly I experienced reasons after, but it started for no reason at all, so I do understand how you feel. Everyone always goes into how you have to have a reason etc, but a very common problem is that there is no reason. Don't worry.

      Continue going to your therapist, but if it doesn't help you, then I suggest you see a different one. Very often, depression can fade away on its own when there is no reason for it, but in your case, I think it has gone to the extent where you need tot ake action of your own.

      You should try to find something that requires a lot of time and dedication, and possible physical exertment, but that isn't essential. Find something you love to do - and do it. If you're already doing things, find more things to take your mind off how bad you feel. it helps more than you would think :)

      This isn't the end mate, I know that. You keep fighting and trying, and things will change, I promise you. Just stay strong :)
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]My mind turns to metal, its gears are turning,[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]And my sanity withers and dies.[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]This world all around me, it's bitter and twisted;[/SIZE][/LEFT]
      [LEFT][SIZE=4]Reality, madness or lies?[/SIZE][/LEFT]
    • Re: Help...Suicidal Thoughts

      Hello there,
      Just because you have a good life doesn't mean that you can't feel down about things that's going on. You're human, you feel, therefore you have a chance of getting depressed, no matter how amazing things are at the moment. Sometimes things happen in peoples lives that haunt them no matter how long its been since its happened.. has anything happened to you in your past that has been bothering you(if you don't mind me getting personal)? If not it could just be because of stress, or your mind is taking you into an alternate place where you feel pain, and emotion instead of being in your everyday world of what I would call the perfect life(i know i might sound crazy, but yeah. ;) ). Have you tried talking to your family/girlfriend about everything? If you haven't then you should at least try to, Because sometimes it's easier to talk to people you're familiar with over someone that is just a random spectator, Plus that will show you that they care about you, no matter what you're going through and they'll stick by your side through everything until you get better. There's nothing wrong with thinking about suicide and such, because everyone at least once in their life has thought about it, it's only wrong if you act upon it. Just try to stay strong for your family and friends because you don't want to end up hurting them if you went and killed yourself. <3

      Have you tried doing things that make you happy, and or takes your mind off the depression? If you haven't you should really consider it. Because when I'm depressed, and get suicidal I just go for a really long jog, write my feelings down on a piece of paper, play softball, scream, or even just cry.

      But who knows something like that could help you feel a little better.
      Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.