Is it wrong of me to think like this? Other things I need to talk about too.

    • Is it wrong of me to think like this? Other things I need to talk about too.

      I want to get out of my house the instant I turn 18. I don't know if It will work out or do I have plans for it, but I have to.
      You see, it's my siblings. The whole ''Their your siblings deal.'' yada is BS. We are all teens and they have me convinced they are truely bad kids. They say horrible, horrible things to me. One is bitchy and one is an asshole. I can't begin to describe how they are and what they do. I really don't want to hate them, but it's hard. My sister tells me I will end up in jail one day, even stating one time she hated me. My brother not only talks all kinds of shit, but knowing I cam fuck his shit up if he puts a hand on me (He still doesen't understand that.) he points out my insucurities and slashes my self-esteem (Ex. Kids talking trash and he ships right in and also tell me all this.) He is truely, truely an asshole, not just to me, but to everyone. The way he treats his friends, they way he acts, what he does to people, ect. I lift in the morning over christmas break and today I guess I have to lift in the afternoon. That's when my bro lifts. I do not want to go at all because he will be there and hsi little trash talking friend saying all I can bench is 110 which is not true. I don't know what to do.

      I need to start living my life to the fullest. I am a sophmore in highschool. I talk to people and am somewhat popular but I want to be who I act around people I know well. Funny, cool, ect. I just care too much what people think of me. I also want a GF very bad, I think it's time. The thing is I have nothing to offer. I don't have a drivers liscense yet, I play one sport and benched alot, had one girlfriend in my life for 2 days and never been kissed. I have been asked out, but by girls who I barely knew at all.
    • Re: Is it wrong of me to think like this? Other things I need to talk about too.

      It's a natural feeling, people feel this way about their siblings all the time, especially having to grow up with them. They key is to not let them drag you down, a lot of people care what others think about them...don't take what they say for granted, they will grow up one day and realize the morals of family.

      Who cares what his friends think? They're not an influence in your life, they never will be. It's a good thing you're trying to get your priorities straight. The best you can do is ignore them and not show them the attention they want. If worst comes to worst you can always take a stand for yourself, I personally wouldn't take it.

      As I previously said, don't allow them to bring you down, they will grow up one day and this will be a thing of the past. As far as everything else goes, it's a matter of taking chances. If you want a girlfriend do your best to be yourself and get to know people better, even if they're girls you don't know too well. Be patient though, don't dive into a relationship because you're trying to force it into your usually doesn't end up good when that happens.

      The post was edited 1 time, last by Raylan Givens ().

    • Re: Is it wrong of me to think like this? Other things I need to talk about too.

      If you can't handle people being assholes to you, then you've got a hell of a hard time coming. Siblings or not, people will be mean to you. You're gonna have to learn to suck it up and deal.

      [size=3]Oh! why is phrensy called a curse?
      I deem the sense of misery worse:
      Come, Madness, come!