i don't like the way i feel..

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    • i don't like the way i feel..

      I'm not sure where to start. I attempted suicide a few months ago, took every pill i could find. Obviously I'm still alive, but I still don't understand what's going on with me. Outside I'm fine. I have a long term boyfriend with whom i have a great relationship, I love all my friends, I'm excited about college in a few months. if i graduate. that's where i get upset. there's a senior project that all seniors started sophmore year and need to finish by graduation. i wont get into it but after a problem with mine i'm under a lot of pressure in a short time to get it done. i pass all my classes, i'm a teachers dream, but the fact that this one stupid, huge, research project that everyone else doesnt have to worry about anymore might wreck my future makes me want to die... I start to think about everything, i convince myself that i will crash and burn in my future. if i cant get through this, i wont make it in life. my parents dont understand me. we fight constantly. my friends and boyfriend have no idea how awful i feel all the time. i guess i hide it well. i've been physically sick a lot lately. i just wish i knew how to get past this. i feel that i want to sleep and not wake up.
      any advice, besides seeking other help, i want to try to fix this. i hate feeling this way.....

      thank you for reading this.....
    • Re: i don't like the way i feel..

      Seems like you have a hard time just dealing with stress. You need to take just one step at a time. Worry about a few things a day. Thinking about everything all at once and how to accomplish everything is only going to stress you out more. Just make a goal each of day of things you need to do and pretty soon you'll find that you'll have most of your stressors gone. I understand about your project, I also had to do one for graduation, although we start and finish ours the year before graduation so it's a lot of stress.

      But like I said... just take it slow and don't worry about too much at once because that's when we get caught up too much in the future and not enough about the present.
    • Re: i don't like the way i feel..

      face it, your problems arn't that big. not an insult in anyway.

      I want you to go and read some of the posts on this site, and mabby others. rape victims, people who were beat every day of their life, the loneliest people on earth, etc..

      That is a crash and burn- there life started with them burning alive. Your future may be immportent but their are people who don't care about their future and believe that for their own reasons that their life is pointless and meaningless and not worth focusing on.
      [speaking from experience]

      as importent and inevitable as the future is, you shouldn't dwell on failiur or thinking that you'll crash and burn. you need to see LIFE itself, look around you, see life and nature at its purest state, and mabby you'll understand more about it. and while your doing that, you might just think; "what are the chances of this happening".

      add my msn if you want to talk about anything; [email protected]
      The living may not hear them; Their voices may fall upon deaf ears. But make no mistake; The dead are not silent. My Skype: Alaestor My TeamSpeak3: ts3.FutureGadgetLab.net