
    • Infactuation?

      So I've been speaking to this guy on msn for a while (he is in my boyfriends class)

      I always found him really interesting and stuff, and then at a new years party we finally met for the first time (boyfriend was there too, house party!) - I felt like he was avoiding me but then after a while he loosened up, he only spoke to me when my boyfriend wasn't there though - think he doesn't wanna make crap between us.

      He kept looking at me too ..

      I facebooked him and he never replied .. and now I can't stop thinking about him .. he infactuates me ..
    • Re: Infactuation?

      Oh god how I miss house parties, where all the dramas unfold.

      Honestly I've been through a really similar situation. It's only made worse when all the signals seem to be there but neither of you are sure enough to say anything to one another about whatever may be going on.

      The only thing I can recommend is to try and distract yourself from the thoughts as much as possible. I've only ever been infatuated with two people I think, and I got them out of my head, funnily enough, by writing about it in a journal (yes I'm really that lame).

      These things usually pass with time though. If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been infatuated with him?
    • Re: Infactuation?

      Hey Leigh

      There's really nothing wrong with having a little crush while you're with someone. It only becomes a bad thing if you act upon those feelings and cheat. As long as you don't let it get too intense, you don't really have anything to worry about. You're with your current boyfriend for a reason, and just focus on those reasons. If you feel like you won't be able to resist, then just don't talk to him at all for a little while, and see if you can forget about him.
      [CENTER]The only angels we need invoke are those of our better nature; reason, honesty and love.
      The only demons we need fear are those that lurk inside every human mind; ignorance, hatred, greed, and faith.


    • Re: Infactuation?

      Hi Leigh. :)

      Having a crush while being taken is completely normal in a relationship. The 'look but don't touch' sort of thing. Kind of like a celebrity crush. Just make sure you don't do anything you would regret doing. And always make sure you're happy with things. If your boyfriend makes you happy, stay with him. If things seem to be cooling off, and you don't find yourself wanting him anymore, then maybe this is sort of a sign it's time to move on.

      But having an innocent crush on someone you're talking to is perfectly normal.